Month: September 2024 (Page 2 of 2)

Adding Value

The beauty of getting older is understanding the difference between activities that add value to your life and one’s that don’t

Time in front of the TV or on social media for most of us is not adding any sort of value to our lives. Don’t get me wrong, I understand ‘down time’ is a legit way to refuel, but most of us don’t us those devices and that time in that way. And I’m as guilty as anyone.

I just recently got back from a long weekend hanging out with my childhood friends. The three of us haven’t been together in over 10 years. It was the perfect setting where the activities involved: pickleball, swimming, boating, cooking by campfire, listening to music, staring at the views of the Puget Sound and of course quality conversations.

There were moments of laughter, sincerity, vulnerability and a whole lot of tom foolery.

Boom! Value added.

Just A Glimmer

I’ve come to realize that I’m in a place in my life where there’s a lot of repetition in my day. The activities/tasks are not numerous – just a few or maybe several, but I do them over and over again.

Work, exercise, creative endeavors, hobby’s, etc. It’s only 4-5 different activities, but I repeat them over and over and over again. It’s all good, but the other day I received a compliment on how proficient I was while doing one of my very intentional activities. I was thrilled to hear as it came from a very qualified person in that field.

It just validated all the time and effort I’d been putting in over the last few years. I felt great about my progress.

We need to see how far we’ve come every once in a while in order to get some perspective. You know, come out of the trees to see the entire forest kind of thing.

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