I’ve found over the years that being as honest as possible with others I care about is most beneficial to everyone.
Here’s why: When I share myself with others – not inappropriately – but rather in the context of our relationship, it builds trust, empathy and respect between us. Again, I’m not talking about being rude or disrespectful by saying each and every thing that comes to mind, nor am I talking about gushing my short-comings hoping to elicit empathy by playing the victim. I’m talking about trusting others and finding a way to connect with them by sharing my fears, perspective and yes flaws.
More times than not, it opens the door for reciprocity between us and a way to relate to each other as human beings. Another words, “I’m just as broken as you are. We all are” would be more in tune with the message I’m conveying.
But, the good news is we’re all in this together! So, find someone to lean on.