Author: Jim Gohrick (Page 30 of 147)

Your Best Asset

We often overlook our greatest asset in this life as it seems so ordinary to us. There’s nothing special about it and often times we have viewed it as “less than” due to past experiences in our lives that haven’t been quite inspiring. Or because we have chosen to believe others who see it as nothing more than an obstacle.

What is that diamond in the rough and that gem of a genius? You. Me. Us!

We are our best asset. By far and it’s not even close. And until we see that, treat ourselves as such and begin investing in ourselves as if we already know the outcome is going to be successful, we are are not using our full potential and accessing our greatest resource.

There is nothing outside of us that is greater than what comes from within us.

Let’s start acting like it.

Life Like A Dog

Sometimes I wish I had the memory of a dog. In some ways, they never forget; what cabinet you store the treats in or where the leashes are kept.

In other ways they are experts in amnesia.

After sitting at home all day long while you were at work, they hold no grudges or direct any hostility towards you for leaving them couped up all day long.

They just want to Love you up with the time they have.

We can all learn a little something from that I suppose.

Leaning Into Our Fear

One of my on-going lessons in life – and am reminded daily – is finding the courage to face my fears.

We can run, but there isn’t any place to hide. The dark shadow we think we lost by doing so, will always track you down. Always. Whether it’s in your dreams or a subtle reminder at the end of the day. It will not leave until it’s dealt with.

So, what can we do? We must summon the energy to turn and face it square on with courage and strength.

Most of the time, it’s not nearly as bad as we might have imagined. But, more importantly, it’s only then can we find the peace we’re looking for.

Kindness Abounds

It’s easier said than done of course, but my intention is to emanate Kindness. All day. Every day.

[Deep sigh] The reality: it’s hard. “I’m late for work and this person cut me off in traffic.” Kindness. “It’s so stressful with the work week, running the kids around and having to get dinner, etc.” Kindness. “How the heck am I supposed to put forth kindness when I feel like a hamster on a wheel just trying to keep up? How can I have time for kindness?”

These are excuses abound and need not be a part of our world. There is no stress in the world that can be measured? We create it. It only exists within us. You cannot capture it from the ether and the air around us.

Maybe we can just choose not to partake in any of it. Adopt grace instead. Anoint peace as your spiritual companion. Leave anger by the roadside. Seize patience as your hostage and don’t allow her to escape you.

Kindness Abounds

Running With It

I’ve come to learn that it’s more important to move forward rather than stand around looking for the correct answer.

Not that that’s not important, but sometimes I find myself procrastinating because I’m afraid of getting it wrong.

Then again, I’m reminded so very often, that when getting it wrong repeatedly, is my greatest learning tool.

If we get it wrong so what. Let’s not place so much importance on that.

Instead maybe we can focus on the increase in the learning curve rather than finding the answer immediately.

If that’s the case, then pick an idea and run with it.

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