Category: Uncategorized (Page 1 of 151)

Dare To BE

As human beings, it’s a real challenge to allow the world to be as it is without the belief that we have to change it to our liking.

The fact is; we don’t have control over much of what happens in our lives. The weather is going to be what it’s going to be, the economy will roll on in the fashion it see’s fit and people will do what they need to do.

As a result, we cannot do a damn thing about it. So, stressing about it is not going to help. Although many of us buy into the illusion that we can somehow exact control over these things in order to direct our lives where we want them to go.

I’m not saying we are helpless victims in this grand world, but often we spend vast amounts of energy in areas where our influence is futile. It is going to be what it’s going to be.

Do we have the courage to allow everything to be? And then, dare to just BE.

The Best Me

Why do we tend to give more respect to others than ourselves? Why do we tolerate less negative behaviors directed at our friends than we endure repeatedly over time? How come we compromise what we expect for ourself, yet demand near perfection from our colleagues?

I think it comes down to perspective. It’s how we see ourselves in this grand ole’ world of ours. It can be quite a challenge for us to have objectivity when it comes to judging ourselves, our behavior and expectations.

Maybe we can step outside our own bodies and see ourselves as a “best friend.” What would you say to someone you truly care about and only want what’s best for him/her? Would you be authentic? Kind? Respectful? Encouraging?

Probably. Because you have a deep Love for them and want them to be the best version of themselves they can be while on this earth.

Now, look in the mirror.

Less Is More – Always

Less is more in so many aspects of our lives.

When we simplify our lives we go deeper into our chosen tasks we focus on. How can that be bad?

Even talking less brings about added benefits. We’re more effective as we choose our words wisely. We give others an opportunity to contribute their point of view (I hope it’s brief).

We free ourselves up to have some breathing room. Literally and figuratively. There’s space in our lives to think. To ponder. To question.

Nobody likes it when people over-stay their welcome. So let’s consider less. Always.

The True Test

I truly believe that when our backs are against the wall and we have no safety net, that we rise to the occasion.

The question is this: Are we willing to put it all the line? No doubt, this can be terrifying. To the point where we freeze in fear and do nothing.

But, when there are no other options, I believe our survival instincts kick in and we make it happen. And I don’t mean low-stakes. I mean high. Really high! To the point that it would be devastating to our lives if we failed. Another words – we couldn’t.

Why would anyone paint themselves into such a corner? To find out who they really are.

Who am I? Who are you?

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