As human beings, it’s a real challenge to allow the world to be as it is without the belief that we have to change it to our liking.
The fact is; we don’t have control over much of what happens in our lives. The weather is going to be what it’s going to be, the economy will roll on in the fashion it see’s fit and people will do what they need to do.
As a result, we cannot do a damn thing about it. So, stressing about it is not going to help. Although many of us buy into the illusion that we can somehow exact control over these things in order to direct our lives where we want them to go.
I’m not saying we are helpless victims in this grand world, but often we spend vast amounts of energy in areas where our influence is futile. It is going to be what it’s going to be.
Do we have the courage to allow everything to be? And then, dare to just BE.