Category: Uncategorized (Page 12 of 149)

Friday Spirit

Why does it seem like it’s more challenging to get out of bed on Monday morning than Friday morning.

Is there something in the air that we breathe in on the weekends that’s different than weekdays? Why do we feel more energetic as well? Can the difference in the way we view the world really come down to our perspective?

The answer is, yes.

We have 100% control of what we choose to focus on and where to rest our thoughts. No one or no thing has command of this except for us.

Let’s make every day a Friday attitude sort of day.

A Death Grip Approach

Just because we’ve been doing things a certain way for years, doesn’t always mean it’s the best way.

As I’m sure a very wise person has said, “would you rather be right or learn, grow and evolve.” Many will answer “I’d rather be right.” As we know, that’s their ego, but we won’t get far taking that perspective.

As hard as it might be, opening ourselves up to new and different perspectives and approaches is such a great way to become a better version of ourselves. But, we have to let go of beliefs and ideals we’ve been holding on for years. That can certainly be quite a challenge for many of us.

But, I think in the end if we can find a way to do it, we will most certainly be better off in the long run.

Moments Unknown

What is our deep-seeded belief about ourselves? Is it that we’re not good enough to be able to fulfill our hopes and dreams? Or do we believe we can – and have what’s necessary, but are afraid of actually succeeding.

Often times, we’re just as afraid – sometimes more – of succeeding as we are of failing. Why? If we fail, at least we tried. We did it. We moved ourselves through inertia and gave it a shot. Who can blame us for trying? Right?

When we slay the dragon and are victories in our endeavors, we now have raised the stakes for ourselves. We’re not the same person. In addition our responsibilities change and we now have a “reputation” to uphold. We feel like we must play that role and that can be quite intimidating. We’ve moved out of the status quo and are among strangers. We feel we’ve been ostracized from our community and that feels lonely.

However, we must embrace the unknown and trust that being the best version of ourselves is part of the journey. We should lean into the unknown, knowing whatever lies on the other side for us in the next moment is exactly where we should be. It may not be what we expect, but it may just be what we need.

I hope to find the courage to embrace the unknown today as I move steadily forward to what inspires me and continue my evolvement as a human being.

Preemptive Love

As per Darren Hardy’s Darren Daily, he gave some valuable input on how to preemptively set up an important relationship by asking the other person what he could do to respect and never intentionally offend the other person. In addition, he suggests we ask what should we should never do in order to do the same. It’s such a great way to get out ahead of ourselves showing the other person that’s important to you that you care.

I was thinking about that idea and wondered why I have such a difficult time preemptively Loving people. Another words, why can’t I take that same approach to strangers, but rather than asking someone I don’t know what I can do or not do in order to NOT offend them – as it’s a bit cumbersome. Rather, maybe I can have that same spirit of kindness and consideration and give them the benefit of the doubt by Loving them first.

Instead of looking for their worst, I only see the best of them. And relating to them from that place instead. I know that’s not nearly as easy, but maybe we could all use a bit of preemptive Love.

Bring On The Strain

I’m in the middle of a 48 hour fast and staying strong. I guess I’m a glutton for punishment. Not that it’s an extended period of time, but it will certainly get your attention and provide a window into how much we take food for granted and or realize how important it is to our daily routines.

The truth is that for me it’s just another device to keep me grounded and to remain in the present moment. I guess you would say to keep me humble.

I’m not sure where or why I feel like physical hardship helps develop character, but I do. Even if it clarify’s what I don’t like to do. That’s important to me as it makes me appreciate the things I enjoy in life even more.

Believe me, I’m no David Goggins, but I do subscribe to his theory of always keeping your mind and body sharp and ready for almost anything.

I guess this is my version of physical and mental strain/stress in order to become stronger.

Happy eating!

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