Category: Uncategorized (Page 24 of 149)

Beautifully Bewildered

No doubt, we all need to run wild, to break free and to cut loose. To push the boundaries with reckless abandon.

Even the best of us. The tightly wound. The professional. The dudly-do-rights and the conservatives.

How can we discover more about ourselves by always staying in the middle of the road? By always playing it safe? At some point we have to go off-road and explore the unknown.

Why? Because we can. We’ll find our way home.

And when you do, we’ll know more about who we are.

Be safe and explore!

The Power Of “Us”

Whoever thinks they’ve gone alone or are doing what they doing today because of themselves and/or have a belief that they will go it alone in the future to attain their goals and capture their success is delusional.

We cannot deny our personal efforts and work ethic, but anyone on this earth who has accomplished something of worth has done it only because we all are standing on the shoulders of those who came before us.

Today is no different. Family, friends, co-workers, acquaintances and yes, even strangers have come to our aid at one point in time to pull us up from our bootstraps.

Whether it’s the roads we travel to get to our meetings, to the pen and paper we use once we arrive or the plane we take to tropical islands for our vacations. We could not in any way benefit from where we are today without the tireless work of those who came before us.

Maybe the next time we’re out there in that great big world, we can remind ourselves of that. Maybe – just maybe it might inspire us to help someone else get to where they want to go.

What a gift.

Bringing Our Best

Reoccurring problems most likely return because we’re bringing the same tired old perspective to the table hoping to get a different outcome.

When I dig deep with my creative solutions and neutral attitude at worst, I’ve found success in solving issues that seem to turn up in my life over and over.

Once resolved with this new found genius, those roadblocks seem to disappear from my life.

Or maybe it’s because now I just blow by them.

Coach Carroll

Pete Carroll was the former coach of the Seattle Seahawks for 14 years and went to the playoffs for 10 of those years, including two Superbowl appearances and one Championship and a total of 170 wins.

If you know anything about Pete, one of his mantra’s that can be heard bouncing off the walls of the locker room after a win is how you can’t win a game in the first, second or third quarter. It can only be one in the fourth.

As true in life, we can learn from one of the greats; This journey in this thing called life, has many twists and turns, up’s and down’s and moments of stumbling. But, we can learn a lot about ourselves and others along the way if we chose. We can make adjustments after the first quarter – halftime or even going into the fourth quarter that may make all the difference.

The key is this: we’re still in the game, so we always have a chance.

Go Hawks!

Neutrality, Grace And Ease

Engaging in the process – whatever that may be – and throwing your expectations out the window has always been a good recipe for me to not get discouraged and/or give up too quickly.

Often times, we have the ability to talk ourselves out of the game before it’s begun. Approaching our task – our goals – our challenges with the proper mental perspective can make all the difference.

What is that perspective? Staying neutral and diving deep into the process of doing. Of acting. Committing. No problems are resolved faster than when we are fully committed to engaging in the process with the intention of resolving it.

These are when the gem of ideas fill our mind as we arrive on the other side of our problem with grace and ease.

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