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Preemptive Love

As per Darren Hardy’s Darren Daily, he gave some valuable input on how to preemptively set up an important relationship by asking the other person what he could do to respect and never intentionally offend the other person. In addition, he suggests we ask what should we should never do in order to do the same. It’s such a great way to get out ahead of ourselves showing the other person that’s important to you that you care.

I was thinking about that idea and wondered why I have such a difficult time preemptively Loving people. Another words, why can’t I take that same approach to strangers, but rather than asking someone I don’t know what I can do or not do in order to NOT offend them – as it’s a bit cumbersome. Rather, maybe I can have that same spirit of kindness and consideration and give them the benefit of the doubt by Loving them first.

Instead of looking for their worst, I only see the best of them. And relating to them from that place instead. I know that’s not nearly as easy, but maybe we could all use a bit of preemptive Love.

Bring On The Strain

I’m in the middle of a 48 hour fast and staying strong. I guess I’m a glutton for punishment. Not that it’s an extended period of time, but it will certainly get your attention and provide a window into how much we take food for granted and or realize how important it is to our daily routines.

The truth is that for me it’s just another device to keep me grounded and to remain in the present moment. I guess you would say to keep me humble.

I’m not sure where or why I feel like physical hardship helps develop character, but I do. Even if it clarify’s what I don’t like to do. That’s important to me as it makes me appreciate the things I enjoy in life even more.

Believe me, I’m no David Goggins, but I do subscribe to his theory of always keeping your mind and body sharp and ready for almost anything.

I guess this is my version of physical and mental strain/stress in order to become stronger.

Happy eating!

Trusting The Unknown

It can be quite a challenge for me to keep my mind focused in the present moment. With all of the distractions in today’s world, our busy schedule’s, workloads, societal pressures/expectations and electronic devices everywhere we turn to fill any and all down time, it takes tremendous effort to detach from the binding restraints of discordance.

What’s going on tomorrow? Tonight? This afternoon? In a month? Next year? This weekend? Why am I fixated on an illusion rather than the reality of what’s right in front of me? Is the idea of tomorrow’s activities more important than the reality of the life I’m living here and now? How can that be?

Is it fear? Have I romanticized the future because I’m unable to face the reality of this moment and where I am in my life? Do I lack the courage to trust that this moment is more than enough?

The present is all we have on this earth. The past is only a memory of what we’ve already experienced and the future is just an illusion that may never come.

What would happen if we all spent more time focusing on “the now?”

Perfectly Flawed

I’ve spent a lot of my adult life trying to ‘get right’ with myself in regards to letting go of guilt and shame from any and all past mistakes. No doubt, this comes from being brought up a devout Catholic and all the wonderful “perks” that come along with it.

The fact of the mater is this; We are all perfectly flawed. Which means, we can never go through life unblemished. Knowing this, in addition to living a principled life – or as much as humanly possible – we can take solace in the ups and downs of our lives. This is the natural course of a human life.

Having said that, we must be honest with ourselves and do our best to avoid the trappings of acting on whimsical desires and behavior knowing we can allow ourselves ‘off the hook’ due to our flawed nature.

I believe we all know within ourselves – instinctually – what the right thing to do is in any situation as long as we come from a place of Love.

Laughing At Your Own Expense

In memory of Rule #6 (See previous posts), some of my deepest and most guttural laughs come from . . . . well, laughing at myself. Often times, along with other people as well.

This is imperative to not only be present in our lives, but to cultivate it. I’m not talking about any sort of self-ridicule and/or abuse. But rather light sense of self-deprecating humor towards oneself.

When laughing at ourselves we’re able to put everything into perspective. Including ourselves and our ego in this world.

This is completely different than my self-confidence and should in no way take away from our ability to believe in ourselves. But, what we all must recognize are our shortcomings. We’re human and deeply flawed. Don’t worry, there are more than enough to go around for everyone.

The only reason you’re not laughing at yourself is because: A: You’re not living by Rule #6. Or B: You have waay too big of an ego.

In either case, lighten up. And laugh. Yes, at yourself.

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