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Staying Clean

We’re human beings and we’re not perfect in any way. Especially me.

Having that being said, we can all benefit from living a clean life. Of mind, body and spirit. And if we can’t live a clean life, maybe we can work each day to be a bit cleaner.

How we talk about ourselves and others, to the food we take into our bodies and/or what we focus our attention on throughout the day. Are we complaining or complimenting?

After all, we attract what we focus on. Why not look for ways to brighten our day by choosing to make the strong choice for ourselves and empower others to do the same.

Because there’s always more than enough to go around for everyone.

Chances Are

The chances of making a mistake today are fairly high.

The chances you learn from those mistakes are right up there as well.

We cannot avoid every pitfall, foible and fall. Not if we want to have a fulfilling life. It’s impossible.

Then why do so many of us view our stumbles as such a negative result? I imagine there are numerous reasons.

With everyone having a microphone (social media) in their hand announcing their “successes,” you’d think everyone hit the lottery.

Not so.

Chances are good, that’s not their real lives.

Chances are, that’s not how they feel 90% of the time throughout their day.

Chances are, we will take three steps forward and one back.

That’s okay. That’s life.

Chances that you make the same mistake tomorrow are dramatically decreased.

Chances are we learned from it.


It was said Jerry Seinfeld did it. And was extremely successful because of it.

Nowadays we can hardly imagine ourselves without running from one task or appointment to the other. If not, then certainly our heads are locked into our phones as we are transitioning from one activity to the next.

How about this? Doing nothing. Even better; scheduling yourself in to . . . do nothing.

Right. You heard me. Taking the time to sit without distractions in order to get some real thinking done. No phone. Maybe even no music. Just you and your head.

Why on earth would I do that, you ask? Maybe to put some space between you and the ‘next thing.’ Maybe to gain some perspective, to get out of the trees in order to see the whole forest. To take a breath. To allow the natural state of flow to come . . . or not.

Maybe just ‘to be’ instead of always doing.

Looking To Shine

We always seem to find what we’re looking for. So why not look for opportunity’s to show our best side.

When we look to be offended in our day, we’ll never go disappointed. When we seek to find the beautiful gems of joy, kindness and generosity, those will show their beautiful faces as well.

Today, I’m looking for an opportunity to pay it forward to someone. Anyone. However that may come and it what form is all good with me.

I’m just looking to shine today!

Executing Love And Kindness

I received letters and cards from my children on Father’s Day and I couldn’t have been filled with more Love and gratitude.

They were so very generous with their compliments and depiction of me as their father. My role as a father is something I didn’t quite realize the magnitude of it’s importance on me until reading those words from my adult children.

Let’s be real, I’m by no means the perfect father. I’m fully aware of that, but what struck me while reading their words was how it would seem my intention of who I’ve been working to be for the last 27 years seemed to get through to them and they have been able to benefit from it. Or at least appreciate my efforts.

The purpose of this particular post is not to toot my own horn, but rather reflect on why we – including me – can’t share our feelings of Love and kindness with those we care deeply about more often. Why must we wait until Christmas? A birthday? Or any another significant event to say what is special about that person and why you Love them. Why?

I’m not sure. But, I can tell you the connections you will make are worth it.

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