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Fixing The Now

Why do we feel it necessary to remanufacture every moment in our lives into an almost unrealistic ‘perfect’ situation for ourselves, rather than accepting the moment for what it is? And then resting in that.

I’m doing this constantly. Incessantly. Obsessively. And it drives me mad. Not to mention the anxiety that’s brought on trying to stay one step ahead of . . . . . everything.

Instead of orchestrating our lives, maybe we can work on accepting the moment and Being.

Certainly, we have the ability to change what’s in our circle of influence on a daily basis, but lets not get carried away.

It’s stated very clearly in the Serenity Prayer: God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.

Or as George Costanza would say, “Serenity Now!”

Getting To Yes


Yes, I’ll start this day with a fresh slate. Not allowing the mucky waters of yesterday to creep into my cup.

Yes, I’ll try something new.

Yes, I’m open to new ideas that may not be something I’ve thought of before.

Yes, today I will get out of my comfort zone.

Yes, I will embrace this moment for all it is.

Yes, I’ll work through my fears in order to embrace the unknown.

Yes, I’ll continue to evolve.

Yes, I choose LOVE.

The answers on the other side, the new experience, the epiphany, the ‘aha’s, the synchronicity and the magical moments never come from land of “no.” That much I do know.

Long-Term Focus

Why is it so difficult for me to show up consistently?

And by “showing up,” I mean putting in the work consistently over long periods of time without losing focus to accomplish goals that are important to me.

Do I really lack the ability to stay on task for the long term? Maybe I need to reassess whether those goals are indeed important to me enough to make a commitment for the long haul. Or maybe I just need to do it.

If I was to ask Steven Pressfield (“The War of Art), he would identify this as our ‘resistance.’

Resistance because of fear of failing. Resistance because of the fear of success. And a whole lot in between.

Maybe. Maybe not.

But, I’m not giving up just yet.


I want to come from a place of abundance not scarcity.

We can only benefit coming from a place of Love not hate.

In order to be the best version of myself, I want to ask much from myself and gather with those who want the same for themselves.

I choose ease and not anxiety.

I intend to create not judge what other’s have accomplished. Anyone can do that.

The true risktakers strike out on their own to create from an extension of who they are. No matter what the cost may be.

Don’t we need more of them?

Seek What You Want

It’s not complicated, but many of us choose not to buy in.

If you look for the good in your life, you’ll find it.

If you look for the great in your life, you’ll find that too.

If you look for the ho-hum/the average/and the not so spectacular, guess what?

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