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Steady As She Goes

From my past experiences I’ve found that if I take an “all or nothing” attitude when making changes in my life, the chances that I burnout and backslide increase dramatically.

Deciding to go with an extreme diet with unrealistic expectations is a way of self-sabotaging where you’ll end up defeated, frustrated and a bit more jaded from where you started.

I’ve discovered that implementing small behavior patterns or mechanisms over time that I stick with offer the best chance for me to continue over the long haul that result in significant positive changes.

It’s a long way of saying, maybe we shouldn’t bite off more than we can chew.

After all, no one wants to feel overwhelmed or even worse; choke.

The Good Life

The good life has mystery around every corner.

There is pain and heartache at every turn.

It’s filled with Love from those who are close and riddled with painful blows from those same people.

There’s surprises and gems where you wouldn’t expect them.

And gaping holes to fall through where we’d never chose to look.

The good life is consistently responsive and horrifically unpredictable.

It’s right in front of us with no place to hide.

The rhythm can be intoxicatedly euphoric or feel eternally painful.

Regardless, the good life is here. It’s real. And it’s what we experience everyday.

Learn To Sell

The older I get the more I hear successful people talk about the importance of being able to sell. I probably heard about it when I was younger, but didn’t pay much attention to it as I felt it wasn’t important.

What I’ve recently become aware of is how often we are selling other people throughout the day. I’m not necessarily referring to actually selling them a product, but more along the lines of selling our ideas.

Whether it’s selling my wife on an idea of where we should go on our next vacation to selling my teenage son on the idea of hard work and persistence when it comes to achieving any goal you’ve set forth.

There are more times than not throughout our day when we’re selling. Why not master a skill that is often overlooked yet has the potential to take far beyond.

Selling. Something to think about.

The Great Shift

Every so often we are reminded of just how precious our lives are on this earth because some event jolts us enough to capture our attention.

It could be a near-death experience we or a loved-one goes through, sickness, unfortunate accident, diagnosis or maybe it’s a sudden realization where we’re able to put our time on this earth into perspective in such a way that we see the world differently.

Why are we unable to have this insight and gratitude for our lives in our day-to-day? Do we have to wait for a near catastrophe to happen before we wake up from our slumber?

I don’t believe so. All we need is to begin again. At any moment in our lives, we can choose to begin again and take a different path than the previous one. At any moment we can choose to be grateful for where we are right now. At any moment we can choose a new perspective.

More Pain Please

Jerry Seinfeld was once quoted as saying, if you’re not in pain then you’re not growing.

Many of us – including me – duck, shake and dodge any and all ordeals in which we’re going to experience pain.

But, as many of us can look back in retrospect, these are the precise moments when we grew the most. This must never be forgotten.

So, does that mean we should look for these opportunities throughout the day? Well, I know that’s certainly a challenge for me, but maybe, instead of running the other direction to avoid them, we can square our shoulders up to face them.

Then take it as it comes while remaining present in the moment. After all, it’s only momentarily.

More pain please.

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