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Keeping In Flow

We’re never going to be able to hit the pause button on our life in order to “catch up.” Unfortunately, there’s no such thing. Because of that, we can feel a bit anxious about “falling behind.”

These are all illusions of our own creation which puts unnecessary stress on ourselves as if we’re in some kind of race. However, this is not the truth.

We’re on our own path – in our own flow. No one else’s.

Is it messy? Absolutely. Such is life. But, staying in the flow and navigating our way as we move through it is the only way forward. And from this forward momentum comes clarity.

It’s an act of faith and courage, but one we’re all capable of doing. If we can just continue to move our feet.

Getting Clear

There is so much power in getting clear with ourselves. Our intentions, goals and the direction we want to go. Not to mention how much our stress and anxiety is reduced by doing so as well.

Removing the clutter in our minds is cathartic and liberating – just as I found out after cleaning my garage this weekend. There is space to walk, to breathe to contemplate. It’s no different in our minds.

Simplicity is powerful. Let’s continue to maintain the cleanliness of the garage in our minds.

As we know, the world around us is only a refection of what is going on in our head. Let’s keep it clean and clutter free.

Evolving Our Thinking

I was listening to a podcast with David Goggins and he said something that resonated with me: (I’m paraphrasing) “We are all so quick to change our wardrobe, our hairstyle, our cars, home, our physical looks and even our spouses, but not a lot of people are willing to change the way they think.”

I know for myself, I could certainly gain insight from other’s who have come before me in learning about how to think different. It seems like a scary prospect indeed, but I would ask, “What’s the alternative?” I would have to answer, “Stagnation.” And that is something I have no interest in.

We can learn from the greats, as there are many who approach the world in ways that seem foreign to us, but makes perfect sense to them. Let’s reach out and discover from others who have risked change and broken through.

What have we got to lose?

Questioning Our Expertise

As I sit here and write this blog today, I question my own expertise as I spout off words of encouragement and ideas of bettering ourselves each and every day. There is a critique that voices his opinion within me on a constant basis. “What makes you an expert?” Below would be my response to that critique.

I’ve never claimed to be an expert on issues. That’s not where this comes from. It comes from a place of having my own experiences and sharing the insights I’ve gained after doing so.

It’s first-hand knowledge of trials and tribulations that may or may not be relatable to others. It’s a way of calling myself out and letting the drain of my head open and spill onto the page.

I don’t consider myself an expert, but a person who has gone through moments and learned and will continue to so (hopefully) for the rest of my life and share the lessons learned in order to help others in their journey.

If not, it’s a nice writing exercise.

What It Takes

Fill in the blank. It could be better eating habits, expanding your vocabulary or increasing your income by 2X.

We all have within us the capacity to do such things. Then why does it not happen?

Well, I would say it’s because we’re not absolutely clear on our intentions nor are we willing to do what it takes. It’s pretty simple. It may not be easy, but it’s a simple concept.

If you are willing to do what it takes, then the rest will come to us. We won’t rule out anything and entertain everything.

Whatever it takes.

How bad do you want it? Once you become clear on that and weigh the desired results with your input and strike a balance that makes sense to you, then it becomes quite clear.

And we will then do whatever it takes.

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