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Try For The Sun

Just as Donovan’s song melodically states, why should we not all be setting our sights for the heavens.

There’s no reward for remaining small. We’re not taking away from anyone else’s hopes and dreams. There’s plenty to go around. Maybe, just maybe, being the best version of ourselves is exactly why we’re here on this earth.

To inspire others who come into our path to believe, they indeed can do the same because you have awoken the slumbering giant of inspiration within them.

And because of it, they risk what they cannot put a finger on, but only hope to be true deep within their hearts.

And so they risk. They risk it all.

They try for the sun.

Withstanding Winter

We can always benefit from being reminded that we live in the seasons/cycles of our lives.

Which means there’s a time to plow, there’s a time to plant, a time to fertilize, a time to remain patient and there’s a time to harvest.

Chances are we will be in a place (high/low – good/bad) that someone else on this earth has been in since the beginning of time. There’s no need to panic. The sun will indeed rise again tomorrow (barring any sort of catastrophic event).

Let’s not fret. Winter will come and winter will go. We shall stand strong.

And we’ll be ready when springtime is upon us.

On The Hook

As Seth Godin says, when we take responsibility for our actions and don’t make excuses, we have to rise to the occasion and face the consequences – however painful they may be – head on.

It’s called, being on the hook. And most people don’t like it.

Why? Because they’re putting their neck on the line and taking responsibility for their actions. And if something goes awry, they’re accountable to make things right.

There seems to be less and less of these people in the world. But, these are exactly the kind I want to be around.

Are you one of them?

100% Effort

My brother-in-law said something to me this weekend that I’ve heard before, but landed a bit different for me this time.

We were trying to get a plumbing line to drain with the tools we had at our disposal. When we were all finished – and a bit defeated because we couldn’t get the clog out of the line he said, “We might not have gotten 100% of the result we wanted, but we gave 100% effort.”

I thought about it before agreeing with him.

After all, isn’t that what we all want. I know I do.

Standing Tall

The more days, I gratefully spend on this earth, the more I’m convinced that at the end of the day, if we’re still standing tall – it’s been a success.

Keeping it simple and our focus sharp, we can move towards our intentions with a bit less self-judgement, being more efficient and more effective with our time.

It can get ugly. It’s going to be challenging. And there will certainly be chaos. But, standing tall through it all brings dignity to our lives and gives us the strength to move forward to the next adventure.

And so let’s stand tall through it all, keeping our head raised high through the long haul.

That’s all.

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