Month: May 2021 (Page 2 of 5)

Seeing Clearly

When I was 8 or 9 years old my best friend and I had a toxic relationship. He was demeaning, outrageously competitive (as was I) and not trustworthy. Unfortunately, at that age I was unable to identify what the issues were, let alone speak up, declare my boundaries and change the situation. I didn’t have the tools at that time in my life. There was one thing I knew for sure: I didn’t like the way it made me feel.

Over time, I began to understand more about who I am and how to surround myself with the kind of people that treated me the way I felt I deserved. It took quite a bit of time. Well into adulthood.

We must strive to see clearly where we are in our lives without a distorted view due to our own blind spots. Can we parcel out and identify the aspects of our lives where we’re struggling in order to clean them up and evolve?

We can indeed, but we must first be able to see clearly where our trouble spots lie.

Clarity is key.

Big Picture

I’ve been known to look at the small picture when thinking about my behavior, habits, actions, interactions and expected results as opposed to a more of a global, if not universal scale.

For me, there a couple of elements I find are important to remember: take your ego out of the scenario and have faith. “It ain’t all about you.” Tough to hear when . . . well, you are you. But, when you are able to stop asking the question, “What’s in it for me? (ego) You are much better off.

Pull back the zoom on your life and have faith that your intentions (assuming their pure) will find their way to your doorstep. It may not come on your schedule, but rather when you need it to arrive. Universe’s time.

Have faith.

No Excuses

Accepting responsibility for where you are at this point in time in your life.

Sounds logical to me. Although many of us find ways to shirk our role in our own lives due to “fill in the blank” circumstances.

I’ve done it. I still do it. I don’t like it. But, I do. I’m working on that.

Acceptance seems to be much less damaging and a proven way in which we can move forward productively. Physically. Spiritually. Emotionally.

I have found things flow to me with ease when I’m able to let go of “my idea” of how the results should be and accept whatever they will be. It’s about me, not the circumstances around me.

When we’re able to own my baggage – good and bad – and accept the outcome, it’s usually never as bad as we could have imagined. Usually it’s ten times better.

This is, of course when you don’t have any excuses.

Our Mind

Tapping into our most powerful tool – our minds – is paramount in our development as human beings.

I have high expectations of what I intend to do and attract and where I want to go. Understanding our brain and the undiscovered power of it is just a start.

People are using their minds to heal their bodies from diseases and injuries that were previously deemed incurable, or the use of toxic medicines or evasive surgeries.

There’s another way. Let’s dive in and make use of our greatest and most powerful tool.


Often times I grapple with a couple of different approaches when moving through life. Obviously, I have over-simplified these ideas for the purpose of this blog, but nevertheless, you get the idea.

One avenue is having a fairly-strict discipline and grinding it out keeping focus on your intentions making progress, yet hitting it daily, learning as you go relying on my sheer perseverance and tenacity to get me the results I’m looking for.

The second is a much more “care-free” approach and enjoying the journey of life wherever it may take you and enjoying yourself along the way. Accepting exactly where you are knowing it’s the perfect place for the moment. And not getting too caught up in the results, but focusing more on the moment and the journey along the way.

It’s no secret: The blend of the two perspectives serves as the best way for me to move through life. Just as a commercial jet must constantly adjust it’s course heading on a flight from L.A. to New York, I must adjust my direction and methods in order to maintain the most efficient and effective approach for where I am in that moment.

We all want a finished template to use in proper situation in order to get the perfect results. Unfortunately, life doesn’t work that way. It’s a moving target and we must stay on our toes and make adjustments.

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