Month: April 2022 (Page 3 of 4)

In Memory

Maybe the reason people come in and out of our lives is for us to remember.

Remember who we are and the connections we make with them. Maybe they help us reveal more about ourselves and who we truly are. Or it could be that they are guides leading us in a particular direction.

Then again, it could just be random.

No matter the reason why so many come and go throughout our lives – like character’s of a perfectly written play – showing up exactly on the line they’re supposed to arrive and exiting on cue as well. We can learn many things while in their presence if we choose.

We can open up and allow these eccentrics of all shapes and sizes to leave their impression upon us forever to be changed.

Never to be forgotten. Just remembered.

Cumulative Success

We must not forget the “big picture” of what we’re working to accomplish. It may not happen in a day, a week, a month or a year.

But, we can certainly move towards it every day. One step at a time. One word at time. One mile at time. One note at time. One pound at a time. One fact at time.

The successive additions over time on a consistent basis are what add up to bring the results we’re intending.

The consistency of us showing up every day to put in the work is what transforms us into the people we are proud to see looking back at us in the mirror.

That’s the hook. It isn’t the result. That’s just gravy.

Looking For Perfection

Too often, I refrain from starting a creative project because the stars haven’t aligned, the temperature isn’t where I want it or my mood is off. Another words, I’m giving into (what Steven Pressfield calls) resistance.

Rather than worrying about who’s going to make the movie from the screenplay I wrote, just write the damn thing. Instead of mulling over what publisher is going to pick up your book, just write the bloody manuscript.

No doubt it’s going to get messy. Ugly. Most definitely uncomfortable, and we may end up feeling as if were the only person on the planet – naked and exposed to the elements.

This is exactly when we need to push through and focus on the process. No doubt, we will be better in the end after we follow through and complete it.

Chasing Ghosts

More than likely this blog is a continuation of my last one in which I wrote about reconciling our past in order to free ourselves from the ties that can bind us in the present.

There are fears/topics/areas of interest/sticking points in our lives that repeatedly turn up that we must deal with over and over. These “ghosts” will continue to haunt us until they are dealt with courageously by squaring our shoulders up and looking them directly in the eyes.

We spend a lot of time hoping some quick-fix distraction (some form of addiction, procrastination, dysfunction, etc.) will make their presence vanish, only to find these haunting relics reappear around the next blind corner thinking we left them in the review mirror years prior.

Now, we’re chasing ghosts. This not a place anyone wants to be. So, let’s turn and face what scares us deep within. Once we do, we transcend that fear and begin to become the person we’re all capable of becoming.

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