Month: June 2022 (Page 3 of 3)

Glory Be

Glory be to those who have little to nothing.

Glory be to the ones that have been and continue to be persecuted and oppressed from anyone including their own leaders and/or people in power positions.

Glory be to the ones who seek to give unto others and enrich this world with their love and kindness.

Glory be to those who teach, guide and lead others to be the best versions of themselves.

Glory be to those in our country who strive to learn, grow and evolve in order to understand the dynamics and viewpoints of others so that we can have meaningful conversations with people who have opposing points of view.

Glory be to those who listen in order to understand and don’t feel the urgent need to speak so they can feel understood.

Glory be to the artists who look to inspire others through their medium.

Glory be to the caregivers who consistently deal with those in pain, who are suffering, as well as the elderly.

Glory be to the ones who make us laugh.

Glory be to our blue pearl suspended in the blackness of space and all the souls who live upon it.

Hey, What’s The Big Idea?

Often times I get so caught up in the day to day tasks I neglect cultivating the big ideas. And let me tell you, I’m full of them. I’m not saying they’re all good, but . . .

This is when I must stay on top of my schedule and carve out time in order to spend important – but not urgent – time with my big ideas, otherwise they get neglected.

It’s not easy to do when we feel like we’re running around putting out fires all day and have no idea of where that extra time will come from. This is the planning of our time from the day before or a week before.

We all have a choice on how we spend our time. Let’s choose to invest in ourselves by taking a big swing for the fence rather than just getting by in a day. We will never know what we’re capable of hitting it over the fence until we do.

Driving With Purpose

It sounds quite simplistic, but it’s worth being reminded: In order to get exactly where we want to go in life we have to follow Jim Morrison’s lyrical advice and “keep your eyes on the road and your hands upon the wheel.”

There are more occasions than I’d like to count where I get distracted after starting out on a long journey. I’m giddy with excitement, but have the potential to lose interest fast.

We have to remember why we decided to take on the endeavor in the first place and keep the end in mind while making our trek. Otherwise, it’s very easy to get side-tracked and lose our way.

The next thing we know, we look around wondering how we ended up here. Let’s remember to keep the end goal in mind while we push forward. The more real we make that vision in our mind, the easier it is to stay on task.

Let’s be efficient and purposeful with our projects and never forget to keep your eyes on the target.

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