Month: July 2022 (Page 4 of 4)

Surrounding Yourself With Genius

There’s no doubt I’ve said it before, but it’s worth repeating: We are influenced by those we chose to surround ourselves with. So choose wisely.

When I was younger I didn’t realize I got to choose who I wanted in my life and who I don’t. Yes, I had friends who were closer than others, but there were times when I couldn’t find my way out of toxic relationships. I’m a very sensitive person and I didn’t feel good when I was around these people.

As I grew older and my voice became stronger, I was able to say no to the people who didn’t inspire me and make me feel good about myself. This changed my life tremendously.

I began to pick and choose who I spent my time with, as well as finding geniuses in their particular field that I was interested in. I would make a concerted effort to hang out with these folks until we developed a relationship. I still use this tactic to this day.

I love surrounding myself with people who are smarting than me. But, not only smarter, they help me be the best I can be.

That I never get tired of.

Seeking Wisdom

If I only knew then what I know now.

One question I find myself asking repeatedly is: how do we know what we don’t know? We find out once we know. A more practical answer I’ve come up with is to Seek It.

Much of what I’ve learned has been because of life experiences and what I’ve personally gone through. Those lessons will never be forgotten. But, what if we can discover gems of knowledge in areas where we know almost nothing about?

My response again would be to Seek it out and learn more.

I once heard Will Smith say that there is no reason why we cannot go to the library or a bookstore and not find a book about a problem we may be going through because more than likely someone else on this planet has gone through the same thing at one point in time or another and someone took it upon themselves to write about it.

Therefore, all the knowledge we could ever want is out there in this big beautiful world. We just need to go out with energetic curiosity and find it.

Let’s go!

Best My Best

For me, if I’m not working on an endeavor/project/goal then I’m coasting. As nice as it may feel to lay off the throttle in life, I’ve found I don’t get much satisfaction out of doing nothing in the long run. I grow anxious and I feel disconnected towards the world as I’m not contributing to the big picture.

After working towards something in an extremely focused manner, of course it’s nice to take a break. But, only to recharge my batteries as I scheme what’s next.

Don’t get me wrong, the last thing I want to be is a hamster on a wheel. Certainly, that isn’t productive. But, we’re all capable of so much more than we could possibly imagine and I want to push those boundaries for myself to see what’s possible.

Otherwise, life can get pretty boring quite fast. I’ve heard it said, that if you’re bored with life, then you can bet life is probably bored with you.

In the meantime, I’m going to try to best my last project and learn something new about myself along the way.

What say you?

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