Month: November 2023 (Page 3 of 3)

Fall In Love

I’m fully aware of what I’m about to say sounds hokey, but I’m going to say it anyway. We need to find a way to fall in love with ourselves again.

I say ‘again’, because I believe there was a time when we truly did Love who we were. And maybe we still do. Maybe we were young. Maybe we were real young. But, I think there was a time.

A time when we viewed ourselves in a different light. Maybe one with a bit more sunshine. More grace and more empathy.

But, now were older and we don’t cut ourselves as much slack. Maybe we should.

Maybe we can re-frame the way we look at our past as evolving in order to give ourselves a bit more credit than we’ve been doing.

Maybe we can find a way to forgive ourselves, drop any regret and move on.

Maybe, just maybe we can fall in Love with who we are right now.

Loving To Thank You

I don’t do it nearly enough, but I love sending out thank you cards. It certainly has evolved over time.

I used to think only old people did that. Well, either I’m old or I’ve changed my ways. Probably a little of both.

A friend of mine set up an informal meeting with a successful business that we’re both interested in getting a closer look at how it operates as they produce a great product we can both benefit from. The owner of the business graciously took an hour out of his day to personally walk us through their shop answering every one of our questions and more.

It was an absolute treat for both of us and was the highlight of my day.

He definitely deserved a thank you card in order for me to express my appreciation and shower him with some Love acknowledging his efforts. And I felt fantastic dropping that in the mail as I was inspired to be able to further our connection.

I know he will feel my heart-felt appreciation and I get a little giddy thinking of it.

And if he doesn’t, oh well. I felt great writing it. And, I’ll do it again. And again. And again.

Resting In The Gap

I want to explore the silence between the notes. The space between the bars of a cage and the ‘down time’ between activities.

Whether it’s through sitting quietly by myself and letting my mind wander while staring out a window, taking a long leisurely walk in nature or even being with a loved one not having to say a word between us while driving down the highway.

Instinctively, I know there’s power in these times. There’s insight. Wisdom. But, I continue to get caught up in the race to . . . . I’m not sure where.

Many of my best ideas have come from my ‘down times.’ I can’t forget this.

We can all benefit from these times of ‘slowing down’ and letting silence gently blanket our minds and body in order to gain the clarity we could all use.

Letting Go

Most of us have a false sense of control in our lives that keeps us from losing our $#!+. We believe we control all the outcomes in our lives through prayer, intentions and/or brute force.

I’m not saying it’s a world of absolute chaos, but I don’t think we influence the outcomes as much as we think. That’s our ego.

So, how do we get through a day when we live in a world that appears to be out of control?

It’s called faith. We have to let go and know that whatever’s going to happen is going to happen. Us worrying about it isn’t going to change anything.

And look how often things have worked out for the best.

We woke up again this morning. That’s great news!

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