It can be quite a challenge for me to keep my mind focused in the present moment. With all of the distractions in today’s world, our busy schedule’s, workloads, societal pressures/expectations and electronic devices everywhere we turn to fill any and all down time, it takes tremendous effort to detach from the binding restraints of discordance.

What’s going on tomorrow? Tonight? This afternoon? In a month? Next year? This weekend? Why am I fixated on an illusion rather than the reality of what’s right in front of me? Is the idea of tomorrow’s activities more important than the reality of the life I’m living here and now? How can that be?

Is it fear? Have I romanticized the future because I’m unable to face the reality of this moment and where I am in my life? Do I lack the courage to trust that this moment is more than enough?

The present is all we have on this earth. The past is only a memory of what we’ve already experienced and the future is just an illusion that may never come.

What would happen if we all spent more time focusing on “the now?”