As per Darren Hardy’s Darren Daily, he gave some valuable input on how to preemptively set up an important relationship by asking the other person what he could do to respect and never intentionally offend the other person. In addition, he suggests we ask what should we should never do in order to do the same. It’s such a great way to get out ahead of ourselves showing the other person that’s important to you that you care.

I was thinking about that idea and wondered why I have such a difficult time preemptively Loving people. Another words, why can’t I take that same approach to strangers, but rather than asking someone I don’t know what I can do or not do in order to NOT offend them – as it’s a bit cumbersome. Rather, maybe I can have that same spirit of kindness and consideration and give them the benefit of the doubt by Loving them first.

Instead of looking for their worst, I only see the best of them. And relating to them from that place instead. I know that’s not nearly as easy, but maybe we could all use a bit of preemptive Love.