What is our deep-seeded belief about ourselves? Is it that we’re not good enough to be able to fulfill our hopes and dreams? Or do we believe we can – and have what’s necessary, but are afraid of actually succeeding.

Often times, we’re just as afraid – sometimes more – of succeeding as we are of failing. Why? If we fail, at least we tried. We did it. We moved ourselves through inertia and gave it a shot. Who can blame us for trying? Right?

When we slay the dragon and are victories in our endeavors, we now have raised the stakes for ourselves. We’re not the same person. In addition our responsibilities change and we now have a “reputation” to uphold. We feel like we must play that role and that can be quite intimidating. We’ve moved out of the status quo and are among strangers. We feel we’ve been ostracized from our community and that feels lonely.

However, we must embrace the unknown and trust that being the best version of ourselves is part of the journey. We should lean into the unknown, knowing whatever lies on the other side for us in the next moment is exactly where we should be. It may not be what we expect, but it may just be what we need.

I hope to find the courage to embrace the unknown today as I move steadily forward to what inspires me and continue my evolvement as a human being.