It’s not a new idea by any means, but I just heard Darren Hardy recently discuss the idea of breaking down old and conformed ways of thinking about problems by using First Principle Thinking. And I think I’m in love.

One thing that humans tend to get caught up on is continuous improvement. Now, there is nothing wrong with continued improvement, but what if the seed of that “solution” is inherently flawed. We continue to spend our time improving a flawed idea.

Maybe we can start with the fundamentals and build our idea from the ground up. Maybe we can take a more of scientific approach and identify facts instead of basing our strategy of attack on assumptions.

I love this idea! Besides, creatively it gets us out of our own patterns of thinking that seem to be based on what everyone before us has done.

Maybe this gives us an opportunity to strike out with a fresh new approach to age-old problems. I hope!