There are a handful of things in my life that are meaningful enough to me that I’ve committed to the Long Haul. A partial list is: my marriage, the relationship with my children, my health – which includes growth (spiritually/mentally/physically) and investing my time to those of my close family members.

Besides that, there’s not a whole lot that I’m dedicated to. I’m not proud of it, but one of those things is my art. I guess it’s not that my creativity isn’t important to me, it’s just that I wish I gave it more priority in my life. Don’t get me wrong, I participate in some sort of creative endeavor almost every day, but I certainly don’t prioritize it.

Why? I’m not sure.

We have to do what it takes to support ourselves and our family, but I must remind myself often to remember what’s important in my life. And for me, creativity is right up there with oxygen, water and Love.

Remember that, Jim.