I prefer variety. In my choice of clothing. My cuisine and my activities, but there is power and focus in simplifying.
I’ve always found it fascinating when I see people who choose to wear the same color of suit, shirt and tie to work. Their closet is filled with duplicates. There’s not a lot who lean this way, but it gets me thinking. They would claim it takes the guess work out of picking an outfit. Okay. I don’t feel like I waste too much time doing that, but I can see the value. That way we can focus more time on the important things.
This very well may carry over into other aspects of our lives as well. It would certainly save time walking around a grocery store deciding on what to buy for dinner if I chose to eat the same thing every night. I’m not quite sure how long I would last with that, though.
In my business, I’m sure I can simplify not only what I focus on in my daily tasks, but what we choose to market to the public. Maybe if we stripped it down to just one feature that our product includes and market that. Apple was notorious for doing this. They seemed to do alright.
Simplicity may very well be the answer to a lot of problems.