My idea of living large may be different than anyone else.

For me, it’s not about being flashy with material things, throwing around money and being obnoxious as if to say, “Look at me!”

It’s about living life to it’s fullest to the best of my ability in each and every moment. It’s about saying “Yes!” rather than “no” to the universe. Risking. Not my life, but my ego. Questioning my knowledge and what I believe to be true. And to risk being wrong and looking silly.

For me, it’s about knowing that anything can be the gateway to everything and filling my cup with gratitude for all that I have and am right now.

Living large is a state of mind and not a material effect we accessorize our lives with like gaudy dime-store jewelry.

It has nothing to do with the kind or amount of materials things in our possession.

It’s a choice of how we choose to live our lives today.