I’m in the middle of a 48 hour fast and staying strong. I guess I’m a glutton for punishment. Not that it’s an extended period of time, but it will certainly get your attention and provide a window into how much we take food for granted and or realize how important it is to our daily routines.

The truth is that for me it’s just another device to keep me grounded and to remain in the present moment. I guess you would say to keep me humble.

I’m not sure where or why I feel like physical hardship helps develop character, but I do. Even if it clarify’s what I don’t like to do. That’s important to me as it makes me appreciate the things I enjoy in life even more.

Believe me, I’m no David Goggins, but I do subscribe to his theory of always keeping your mind and body sharp and ready for almost anything.

I guess this is my version of physical and mental strain/stress in order to become stronger.

Happy eating!