Category: Uncategorized (Page 8 of 150)

The Power Of Power

I’ve always liked the idea of doing the “right” thing because I have a choice of doing anything. What I mean is that we have an infinite amount of choices in our day in everything we do and it feels significant to me in my life to chose the strongest choice, especially when others expect the opposite.

It’s almost like I can feel my shield of integrity grow in strength. Is that conceded?

Said another way from Oskar Schindler, “Power is when we have every justification to kill, and we don’t.”

The power to make the right choice. That’s powerful.

Schedule The Nothing

No doubt, it’s challenging these days to sit quietly without distraction. But, this is exactly what we need in order to slow down, reflect and let our imaginations run a bit wild in the empty fields of our minds.

Giving space to ourselves – both physically and mentally is one way of unplugging from the hamster wheel of life and letting the powers that be know who’s really in charge.

Sometimes these moments can be harder than others to find and/or carve out for ourselves, but I would argue they are essential to our healthy evolvement.

This can come in many different forms and we can choose what suits our personalities. There are no wrong answers. It could be a walk in nature or around a quiet neighborhood, a warm bath, a run, sitting in meditation or staring out at the blue sky from a park bench. The important part is to schedule the time for your mind to wander without distraction and noise.

You never know what your brilliant mind may come up with.

Systemizing The Unpredictable & Open-Minded

Sounds like an oxymoron to me.

But, this is exactly what I intend to do in my life on an on-going basis.

There is nothing more unattractive than someone who is stuck in their ways, views and bias’s without considering a new or alternative idea. There is always another way of doing things that yes, actually may be better than your own approach. Don’t take it from me, take it from some of the greatest minds of our time that have re-thought how to approach even the most basic of principles and flipped them on their heads; Steve Jobs, Nelson Mandela and Elon Musk.

I was blessed to see this close up as a child from a family member and learned early on this was not how I wanted to move through my own life.

The question is: how do we set up a system to question our own beliefs, strategies and methods?

We do our best to come from a place of objectivity and observe and consider how we view ourselves. Still distorted? Ask a trusted friend, close family member or spouse what their take is of how you view the world. If you don’t like what you hear, it’s probably because it’s true.

If we’re unable to objectively assess our own behavior, then you have bigger problems. If we can, then you’re well on your way as the first step to change is awareness.

Finding Our Voice

I suppose the easiest way to to find our own voice is to dance as if no one is watching and you’re all alone in your house.

Another words, you’re in a safe place.

I strive to come from my authentic point of view – my perspective, without worrying about what others may think or say. No doubt, that can be challenging at times.

But, I believe this is where the Gold lies.

After all, nobody really cares about what you’re doing anyway. They’re too worried about their own problems.

Effortless Patience

There are people in this world that are as rare as a unicorn, but I’ve come across quite often. I’m mesmerized by their behavior and have been smitten by them every time I see them interact with others.

The reason is because of their effortless patience with others. Something I continuously work arduously to keep in tact and continue to develop.

Seeing them in their wheelhouse helping others is an education I would pay any amount to observe. The nuance, empathy and creativity they bring to each and every interaction blows my mind and renews my faith in humanity.

If you ever spot one of these unicorns in action, see for yourself. Watch carefully. They’re on purpose making a difference for others and it’s magical.

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