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Embrace The Fear

I’m not sure it’s ever going to be possible for me to embrace fear.

I’ll strive for that goal, but realistically it’s going to resemble more of an acknowledgement that it exists in my life and knowing it always will.

Doing this helps me to work through the unknowns on the horizon I know I will encounter as sure as the sun is going to rise again tomorrow. The best version of me wants to face these fears on a daily basis in order to grow stronger and gain more confidence in by ability to square up and problem solve.

The reality is I don’t always want to work through them. But, every time I do, I’m glad I did. And I have to believe, I became just a little bit braver for the next time.

Welcome Back

I’d be willing to bet if any of us looked into our past we could find mistakes, blunders and choices we made over the years – especially when we were younger – that doesn’t truly reflect who we are and the best version of ourselves. I know I can.

Then why do we continue to judge people for those past foibles and carry it into the next 1, 3, 5, 10, 15 years?

I think it’s because that’s easier for us. We can just cut them off. I understand not wanting to be around people who are not inspiring but, maybe we can find a way to give them a second chance to show you who they are today.

After all, wouldn’t you want the same. I would.

Giving Respect

In today’s world everyone wants to be seen and heard. To the degree that often times at the cost of other people’s respect. Whether that’s in conversation, on the freeway, at public events and even our own homes.

Maybe instead of working to get your point across, your agenda fulfilled and your needs met, we can help others first.

This can be a tall order in a time when it can feel like everyone is waiting for you to slip up in order to jump down your throat and point out your blunders and announce them to the world.

Maybe those are the people that need to be recognized. Noticed. Respected. Maybe once that happens they will want to return the favor. Then again, maybe they won’t.

But, we tried.

Building Our Life

Rome wasn’t built in a day, but then again God DID create the world in only 7 days. Woops! I mean 6. He rested on Sunday.

I have come to learn that building our lives takes time, persistence, consistency and patience. But, certainly it can be done.

Some of us can lose our focus – as there are many distractions in today’s world – and then wonder why we don’t see any changes. (SEE TORTOISE AND HARE)

And that’s because slow and steady wins the race every time. It’s not real sexy nor will we hear any music (SEE Eye Of The Tiger) to get us pumped up, but nevertheless, that’s the truth.

We need to look no further than all the greats before us who have put a dent in the universe by choosing to be a master at one thing (at least). Most of them devoting their entire lives to this craft.

I want to follow those cats!

Framing Your Past

I know too many people – including family members – who use their past as an excuse to remain stagnate and take the easy way out in life. Whether that’s taking shortcuts in their lives physically, mentally, socially, spiritually or emotionally. And the results are devastating over time.

We have the choice of viewing our past as a tool for change and evolvement or an excuse. I prefer the former, as the latter doesn’t take me to a place I want to go. Been there done that.

Most people take the stance that our past has already determined where we should be in the present. However, Dr. Benjamin Hardy claims that our present can determine how we frame our past. Another words: whether we want it to be a way for us to learn about ourselves and grow from it or use it as an excuse to continue a behavior that is less than stellar.

Let’s all view our past in a light that brings us to understand who we are in this moment in order for us to springboard us forward in a direction that is best for us while cutting the tether of the past which may hold us back.

Today is a new day. Anything can be the gateway to everything.

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