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Running With It

I’ve come to learn that it’s more important to move forward rather than stand around looking for the correct answer.

Not that that’s not important, but sometimes I find myself procrastinating because I’m afraid of getting it wrong.

Then again, I’m reminded so very often, that when getting it wrong repeatedly, is my greatest learning tool.

If we get it wrong so what. Let’s not place so much importance on that.

Instead maybe we can focus on the increase in the learning curve rather than finding the answer immediately.

If that’s the case, then pick an idea and run with it.

Rising Up Together

There is scientific evidence that when large groups of people come together and focus on the same intention of Love, Kindness, Empathy and more, there is not only a coherence that takes place between the group, but the energy of that room, area, and yes even city raises to a higher level. And it is measurable.

This is not an anomaly. These events have taken place numerous times over the years, including peace rally’s, walking mediations and any place where a small or large group of people come together for a single cause grounded in Love.

The world can always benefit from those who are interested in bringing positive change now and not wait for it to happen. There is certainly power in numbers. Even if it consists of you and one other person.

No doubt, we can certainly all rise up together.

Feeling Down And Rising Up

Race cars take pit stops, tennis players sit down and rehydrate every two games and students get summers off from school. Everyone gets a break from the action of life/work and is able to step away from what they’re involved in – even if it’s for minutes – to reassess and re-evaluate how they’re doing.

Feeling down happens to the best of us. Physically. Mentally. Emotionally and even spiritually.

But, if we can use these times to reflect, re-imagine, renew and maybe even re-invent the way we’re approaching our next endeavor by considering a piece of information we didn’t have before, that might make all the difference.

Sometimes in our ‘down time’ we can get some really good thinking done. If we’re willing to look ahead instead of feeling sorry for ourselves.

The Perks Of A Cold

Every time I’m feeling under the weather, it seems to be a time for me to reflect upon my health. Most importantly, how grateful I am to have such good health most of the time.

As I lay in bed with body aches, a headache and congestion, I always say that once I’m up again, I won’t take my health for granted. And I don’t.

As inconvenient as a cold or the flu is, it’s a reminder for me to slow down and savor each and every minute of life.

Even if I’m feeling less than stellar. Because we’re never going to re-live this moment again.

That’s something to think about.

The Insight Of Perspective

I recently read a detailed account of an adventure a friend had written when we had a grand excursion together. It was quite ambitious, but not an impossible task. Nor were we breaking any records.

However, there was several months of training involved. There was planning. There was excitement and anticipation. And of course, there were expectations from both of us.

As I look backed on the experience, I had a certain perspective about how the adventure went down. Then I read his account of it.

It’s always fascinating to me the moment we are instantly teleported into a different perspective. It’s akin to when you’re in a guided meditation and the guide asks you to observe the observer. He explains it as if someone who is watching someone through a window from the outside at night is suddenly caught by someone behind him.

I say this because it completely shifts the view of my experience in an instant. All of the sudden I have gained a large amount of information I hadn’t had before. It was very clear to me that my friend had his own expectations, opinions, experience and perspective of our expedition.

Even though my ego may have taken a few shots after reading his account, I was grateful to be able to have my mind opened to what I didn’t have access to before. It filled in some of my blind spots in order to create – maybe a more – true picture of what went down and more importantly, I was able to learn more about myself.

For that, I’m grateful.

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