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Self Respect

As Darren Hardy has said, “people will respect you as much as you respect yourself and they will disrespect you as much as you tolerate it.”

We owe it to ourselves to protect ‘us’ as much as we would a beloved family member.

We seem to justify if people disrespect us, but wouldn’t tolerate any if it came to someone we loved.

Why is that? Not sure. But, it needs to stop.

Taking care of the ‘self’ is not selfish. Taking care oneself is courageous. Strong. And brave.

Let’s not fall into the trap of justifying someone’s disrespectful behavior towards us. We deserve better. All of us do.

Demand respect.

Your self will thank you.

Choose Life

I’m positive this has been said before. Especially by the likes of me, but . . . I’m going to say it again.

No matter how dark it can get, let’s not forget – let’s not ever forget – no matter what, we can always begin again.

I’d be willing to bet there are many people who aren’t on this earth any more would say the same thing.

In fact, there was a study of people who jumped off the Narrow’s and/or Golden Gate bridge that survived the jump. Most of those people regretted it the moment they jumped. They chose life.

We can always begin again.


Grace: The Definition

1. A virtue coming from God

2. Disposition to or an act or instance of kindness, courtesy, or clemency

3. A charming or attractive trait or characteristic

4. A pleasing appearance or effect CHARM

5. Ease and suppleness of movement or bearing

Who couldn’t benefit from such gift given to others or one bestowed on oneself.

Finite Mind

Sam Harris so succinctly articulated that no matter how many times we repeatedly do something in a day, month or lifetime – it is a finite number. Eventually, we will not do that task, chore or have that experience again. We will have done it for the last time. When that is, we don’t know.

Soaking that all in, certainly re-frames the way I look at my day. My year. My life.

Sometimes, I can get caught up in the repetitiveness of things and miss the opportunity to truly engage in the moment. Why? I have a misconception that I will be doing it forever.

There is definitely benefits in contemplating our mortality. This is one of them.

Reminding ourselves there is a ‘last time.’

Maybe, just maybe it will gently nudge us to find value in what we’re doing. Even if we’ve done it hundreds of times before.

As this time could be the last.

Be Wrong

I’m wrong a lot and I know it.

I’m wrong a lot and I own it.

No one knows everything.

Everyone knows something. And it might be more than me in a particular area. So, let’s be open to listening to what others have to say.

Let’s find the experts and the information and learn from them.

There’s nothing wrong with being wrong.

But, let’s understand ignorance isn’t a solution or an excuse.

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