Month: April 2021 (Page 4 of 6)


There are so many maxim’s, quotes and sayings out there in regards to how you should handle the details of life: “Don’t sweat the details” or “Take care of the big picture and God will handle the details”, “The devil is in the details” or even “The details are in the doing.” I’m not sure what to believe.

I do know this: If I’m engaged in an activity that I’m passionate about, I don’t stop at the details. I can spend hours and hours working out the details. Because I WANT to work at that kind of micro scale. I love it. I can’t get enough.

So, maybe the question should be: What am I going to spend my time doing? If you can answer that while engaging in endeavors that get your juices flowing, then I’m not sure you will even think twice about where you stand when it comes to the details. You will do what you see fit in order to be satisfied with your outcome.

You don’t need a 300 year old quote to tell you how to be proud of piece of work. You just need some passion, work and a leap of faith.


It seems to me that when I get anxious is when I’m not remaining in the present moment, but looking to the future to some event I’m “less than excited” to face. There is an anacronym for fear I have found quite useful. F.E.A.R.: False Evidence Appearing Real.

The truth is, I would be willing to bet that less than half of the things you fear in the future come to fruition. In reality, it’s probably much less than that. Which means, we are using valuable time and energy focusing on something that doesn’t land in our circle of influence (the area in our lives which we can actually change). In addition to the fact of all the suffering we put ourselves through. Think of the toll that takes on us year after year after year. If you have allowed this vicious circle to run a muck in your life for 20, 35, 52 years, now is the time to stop.

There have been studies indicating that if we live in a constant state of “fear” with the absence of homeostasis, (balance in our bodies) we are aging ourselves and shortening our lives. We are the only creatures on earth that can work ourselves into anxiety by thinking about a future event. The antelope grazing on grass on the Serengeti gets a surge of endorphins (including adrenalin) when it’s being chased by it’s predator. However, once she is safe again, her body returns to homeostasis and she continues her feeding. She doesn’t keep thinking about what might happen in an hour, tomorrow or in the morning. She remains present in that moment. As should we.

Don’t kid yourself: it’s an addiction. Stop the cycle. Focus on where you are and what you’re doing. Engage in the moment and embrace the unknown.


There is one thin I know will calm your soul and body at the same time while helping your body to become healthier and very possibly live a longer life. That is exercise.

Whether it’s full-hour workout with weights, a 2 mile run or even a vigorous walk around the block. Get out. Exercise. Breath. Elevate your heart rate and work up a sweat. Get a little stinky. Heck, get really stinky. The key is to not overwhelm yourself on day one and commit to the long haul. 3 months. 6 months. A year. Commit to doing it everyday or every other day or 3 times a week or whatever makes sense with your schedule. But, do it! Don’t talk about it. Don’t tell anyone what you’re doing. Just do it! And give yourself some time to struggle. It’s probably going to be a bit uncomfortable. That’s good. Being comfortable is over-rated.

The key is to keep doing it. Form a habit (30 days in a row). And then keep doing it. Don’t judge until after you have gone through your commitment (3 months, 6 months, a year). And ask yourself, “Do I feel better because of this?” Be honest with yourself.

You’ll be tired. Sore. You may have some minor aches and pains. If it’s too painful – see a doctor. But, be smart and try to work through it. There is a difference between aches and pains and an injury. Don’t work through an injury. Seek professional help.

We all have to start somewhere. So, start.

Remember: “and the secret is . . . merely begin.”


If you’re wrong, you’re wrong. If you’re right, you’re right. It’s not complicated and more importantly it’s not about that. It’s about connecting with others. It’s about showing the world the best part of who you are on a daily basis and striving to reach that consistently. It’s about Love. It’s about acceptance. Empathy. Patience. Kindness and understanding. Unity. Especially in today’s world where anonymously and blatantly we are much too eager to point out others’ flaws, mistakes and sheer stupidity while sitting in the comfort of our secretly located “home office.”

Ego is necessary for your safety and overall perspective in life, however it is absolutely self-serving. We need to be able to understand when the ego is not benefiting you and your evolvement as a human being.

Some sound advice would be: Drop it. You’re going to be okay. Instead of asking the question, “What’s in it for me?” maybe you can ask, “How may I serve?” This will change your approach immediately.

We live in a culture of instant gratification where being “on camera” is a daily activity, putting our “perfect” lives on display to show everyone how “lucky” we are.

Maybe we can take that energy we put into the next post of ourselves in the perfect location, vacation, night out with friends, etc. and put the device down to look a person in the eyes and ask, “how are you doing?”


If it’s funny, it’s funny. There is no such thing as high-brow or low-brow comedy. If it makes you laugh, then the joke worked.

Obviously, not at the expense of other people, because I certainly don’t believe in that. That’s low hanging fruit that doesn’t interest me. As well as heavy cursing – not my style. But, there is no such thing as class when it comes to comedy.

Sure everyone has a favorite style – I personally am a big fan of physical comedy. Charlie Chaplin was a master. Buster Keaton, John Ritter was a big influence on me in “Threes Company” and many more. There was something about Jonathon Winters I always liked.

Find out what tickles your fancy – literally and give yourself a dose or two of that magic. It’s a good time and great for your soul.

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