Month: May 2021 (Page 3 of 5)

The Act of Moving Forward

I would like to think that I will never stop refining my skills in life. The opposite would be to coast I suppose. Waiting for something to happen to me rather than making the changes myself.

Additionally, it’s not important to micro-manage your approach. Rather, the movement of going forward sets the precedence, not the “how”. You will get to where you need to be – or should I say, supposed to be – as long as you continue to move your feet and your intentions are true.

There is always room for improvement. We all know this, but don’t let it paralyze you. Striving for perfection as an ideal and not a reality. Find the gems along the way and definitely stop and smell the roses – after you get yourself an ice cream.

Monkey Business

I read a really great story about a dignitary years ago and I have always done my best to keep it in mind as I continue this journey through life.

The story goes like this: One day in a high-ranking officials office in a distant country, he was having a meeting with another politician of importance when the discussion began to get a bit heated and this VIP couldn’t help himself and got caught up in the moment and began to raise his voice when all of the sudden the door to his office opened immediately and a very professional looking woman walks into the room with confidence straight to the man of purpose and whispers into his ear. He immediately nods his head and a calms down, then continues his conversation with his guest.

Not much longer into their conversation, he begins to work himself into a bit of a lather once again – as his voice intensifies and begins to raise. Moments later the door to his office opens and the same woman walks into the room straight to the man’s ear and whispers into it. He nods his head, mumbles “Yes, yes. Thank you.” He continues his conversation grounded and calm.

Several minutes go by and once again the luminary starts to raise his voice when his office door opens quickly again and the professional woman enters, whispers into his ear and walks out closing the door behind her.

After the third time the guest turns to the politician and says, “I’m sorry to interrupt our conversation, but I just have to ask you, what is that woman saying to you when she comes into the room?” The man responds, “Oh, that’s easy. She tells me to remember Rule #6.” His guest, nods his head and says, “Oh. Okay” He pauses for a moment and then asks, “What is Rule #6?

The officeholder tells his guest, “Rule #6 is: Don’t take yourself so Goddamn seriously.” The guest takes in this information as he nods and then says, “What are the other rules?” The dignitary replies, “There are no other rules.”


No matter how many times I see it, I’m still amazed when I place a tiny seed in the ground, cover it with dirt and water it, only to find after a couple of weeks a little green and white shoot peaking out of the earth. I get a thrill every time.

I took it for granted when I was younger and my parents had a huge garden. Maybe it was because I had to weed it or spread grass clippings throughout and between the rows of carrots, radishes and green beans. But now I thoroughly enjoy watching tomato plants and bell peppers appear on the vines as though it were magic.

A specific and honorable intention, proper steps (planting the seed, watering, etc), some hard work and a whole lot of faith. Sounds reasonable to me.

Could life really be that simple?


Yesterday is gone and there is nothing that can be done. Tomorrow is off the table, so don’t even entertain the thought of it. But, today is here, so what are you going to do about it?

So often we get caught up on our mistakes that took place yesterday, we end up dragging that baggage into the present moment tainting a perfectly pristine opportunity. Or we work ourselves into a lather about what hasn’t happened yet in the future (tomorrow).

Immerse yourself in today – better yet in the moment and whatever you do don’t put it off until tomorrow. Life is short and we must all learn to seize the moment.

“These have to be the good ole’ days.”

Adam Consolo


My understanding of the resolution to this topic is not simplistic by any means nor is there only one way to heal. However, I believe there are some basic elements to healing in which we can all benefit from.

I have always been a believer in moving through the issue your faced with rather than skirting around it or sweeping it under the rug. This is never a healthy way of getting on the other side. We must be honest with ourselves that we are indeed dealing with the wound (emotionally) and not just saying we are. Time does not heal all wounds. It kicks the can down the road. Until you’re ready to deal with them.

We must dive into the pain we feel, acknowledge it, identify where it’s coming from, remove ourselves from being exposed to it again (if possible) and move forward. These are the first steps.

I’m also a big proponent of discussing the topic with someone who is trained in such matters. Mind you, this should not be the only place where you reconcile your pain. Loved ones who are looking out for your best interest can shine light on the subject matter by sharing their perspective and life experiences.

There is no wrong way of healing – other than doing nothing. You will heal over time. Help yourself by gaining insight from your pain.

“The wound is the place where light enters you.”


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