Month: July 2021 (Page 3 of 4)

Square Up

There are many different ways we can engage people when speaking with them. Our body language tells us quite a bit about how we feel about that person.

When we care about that person deeply and what they have to say, we tend to square our shoulders up with our toes pointing towards them and maybe even get a little closer. We lean our bodies in as we don’t want to miss one word they’re saying and we relish the intimate space we share. I do.

Maybe this is the perfect metaphor for how we should approach other topics, problems and fears in our lives. No matter how much fear we have in facing them or even how difficult it is to engage.

When we square up to the issue we are risking something. Failure. We’re committing. We make a decision (which means to cut off all other options). This leap of faith is what makes all the difference. It has for me. Things tend to work themselves out in the best way possible.

I’ve always felt, “The universe rewards you for taking risks on its’ behalf.”


Insight into a situation which is important to you can make a big difference when having to make decisions. How do we go about gaining this insight? One of two ways: You either already have the information regarding the subject matter or you discover it yourself through research and work.

Either way you obtain this information, you are now better equipped to make an educated decision.

Most of the time the way you have this insight in the first place is from a previous experience of making a poor decision because you lacked the proper information and got results you weren’t happy with.

Don’t be fooled by those who claim having insight by overhearing facts from a nearby conversation or friend.

Insight comes from having gone through an experience and pulling data from it to inform you of future decisions.

There are no short cuts when it comes to insight. Don’t fall into the trap of believing there are.

Your Lane

Staying in your own lane and handling what you can control is an on-going challenge for me. It can be much easier to point fingers at others, shirk responsibility and become highly critical of someone’s else behavior rather than objectively look at your own to see what can be adjusted, fixed or changed.

In today’s “cancel culture” fueled by social media, it’s easier now more than ever, to never have to look at our own behavior. This is not healthy for anyone.

There are too many distractions. We are being bombarded by enormous amounts of information hurling towards us on a daily basis. No wonder we feel overwhelmed. Anxious. Fractured.

Simplify. And then go deep. Deep into your interests. Deep into relationships. Deep into your craft. Deep into others. Deep into your mind. Refrain from scratching the surface and then moving on. Go deeper.

Why, you ask? Because it’s rare. Because it’s easier not to. Because the chances of finding out more about your true self increases dramatically. Because it’s the path less traveled. Because you can connect with others. Because you’re worth it.

Why does it seem to be easier to take comfort in our thoughts of the future rather than remaining present in the moment? Maybe because we must let go of our ideals in the present and confront real issues. We must stand our ground and square up to the fight. The future is tomorrow and isn’t here yet. In the meantime, we can fool ourselves with false hopes and delusions of grandeur about a day that has not yet arrived.

Let’s not remain in that world of illusion. Instead, let us take pride in the evolvement of our self and risk something. Maybe risk everything. Risk being wrong. Risk being uncomfortable. Risk being judged. Risk being in pain. Risk your social status. Risk your image. Risk what you think is true. Risk it on Love.

I’m not interested in mainstream, but rather the truth. My truth. And the path that leads to it.

What say you?


What does being successful mean? Making a certain amount of money a year? Or maybe having a certain amount of subscribers. Becoming a “Best Seller?” Could success be defined as getting out of bed and facing the day? Some people think so. Is that definition of success a shortcut? I’m not so sure.

There are individuals who feel unsuccessful unless they are making a million dollars a year. Maybe we should measure our success by the amount of time and energy we remain in being uncomfortable. Facing our fears. Connecting. Providing support and service.

At times it can feel like our world is not set up to support this ideology, but rather those who desire to exploit others and reach a profitable bottom line. But, there is another way. There’s a path less traveled. One of morals and responsibility. An approach based in connection, service and community. A route that brings those people you are “exploiting” along for the ride. Elevating everyones’ lives. It’s not as common I will give you that. But, it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

That’s what I’m interested in.

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