When I was in college I got into a fist fight when I was home for Christmas (not the proudest of moments for me). How did I do? Let’s put it this way, we refer to that incident as “The Christmas I got beat up.” We joke about it to this day with family and my close friends and I’ve always said after that day, “I’m a lover and not a fighter.” The truth is, you can be a Lover – but still know how to defend yourself.

Anyway, nowadays I really strive to come from a place of Love in everything I do. It’s so easy to take the path of least resistance and judge others, dismiss them or tear them down in order to boost your own ego. And when I was younger, I did plenty of that. Today, I have to watch myself so I follow my rule and take the high ground.

We need more than that in this world today. Much much more. But, that’s a good start.