Month: September 2021 (Page 2 of 4)

Suck It Up

That’s a phrase I grew up with as a kid. Especially as a boy who played sports – including football. You don’t hear it as much anymore nowadays. I’m not sure where it fits in today’s society.

Is that a good thing? Is it a bad thing?

I’m always teetering back and forth when it comes to the ego – and the process of letting it go – and competition. Where, it would appear the ego needs to be present in order to compete. I’m not sure.

Can we compete with ourselves in setting goals and intentions, as well as against others and still remain centered with our ego sitting on the sidelines? That’s a tough one for me.

The balance I struck in the past was to remain egoless before and after competition, but during the event I allowed the ego to run a muck. Don’t get me wrong, I was respectful and fair to my opponents but it was my intention to bury them during the game. After the final whistle blew I was as gentle as a kitten.

Maybe that’s the ticket. Feels a bit like Jekyll and Hyde to me.

What say you?

You Know What You Know

When I was in junior high and I liked a girl, it didn’t matter what my friends said about her – good or bad – I wasn’t going to take their word for it. Not because I didn’t believe them, but because I needed to go through the experience myself to solidify the truth. Besides, it’s ME. No one would treat me less than.

Well, that’s not always the case. And yes, she can be like my friends said. However, the only way I was going to find out was by going through it. They say you learn your hardest lessons by going through the most pain. I believe that.

These life experiences are how we become wizened. Without them, it would be all theory. So, we know what we know.

I always have to remind myself this when I’m in a situation with my children and remember, these are their life lessons. This is how they are learning to navigate themselves in the world.

And as much as I try to get out in front of them to solve their problems before they arise, it will never be the same as allowing them to go through them first hand.

Now they know what they didn’t know.

Love or Desire

Love is comprehensive. Desire has a singular focus.

Love is gentle. Desire is rigid.

Love gives back. Desire only takes.

Love feeds the soul. Desire is never satisfied.

Love heals. Desire ignores the pain.

Love brings us together. Desire isolates.

Loving someone is difficult. Desire is a shortcut to indulgence.

Love nullifies low energy. Desire perpetuates selfishness.

Love is a choice. So is Desire.

Rise and Inspire

Whether it’s your writing or conversations you have with someone in passing; are you revealing your authentic self? There’s no doubt, it can be frightening in today’s world with enough judgement and cancel culture to go around for a few lifetime’s, however, I could argue there is no better time than now to be the individual you intend to be – that you must be. Why? Because that is who you are.

I find it interesting how most high school kids will do whatever it takes to “fit in” the crowd and be absorbed into the group losing their individuality. Just as long as they don’t stand out with unwanted attention. It was like that when I was in high school and I did early on. Then we begin to mature and realize that’s exactly the opposite of what we want in life.

I think what we want more than anything is strike out and find our individuality – no matter how frightening it is – and make a statement of who we are. In turn elevating those around us up to do the same.

And to be recognized and respected for that individuality by others. This is how we can connect and cultivate our relationships with others.

There’s a million ways to do it. This is one.

Being Human

Understanding what it is to be a human being doesn’t mean you have to accept it. Hang with me here: we know for example, that the unknown is far less appealing to people than the known. As a result, we tend to choose the path more traveled, what we did yesterday, experiences that we are familiar with. Right?

However, in knowing this, we can purposely choose to go the other direction and walk down the path less traveled not knowing what’s in store for us around the next corner. In a sense, embracing our fears of the unknown.

This would “appear” to be much more terrifying – but is it? I’m not so sure. Just because we are unable to determine the outcome before it happens doesn’t necessarily mean it’s “less frightening.” I would also argue that you are living in a world of delusion anyway thinking that just because you are repeating the same behavior as the day before that you can somehow predict the outcomes. That is not true either.

So, after all that, wouldn’t you want to participate in a behavior that rewards you for not “playing it safe?” In addition facing your fears and more times than not, shattering your false illusions? I do.

What say you?

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