Month: September 2021 (Page 4 of 4)

Go Deep

So, I tend to not just read one book at a time, but more like three. Not sure why it happens that way, but it just does. Most often I’m reading a book I have never read before and then I will pick another one I finished months ago and remember how good it was. Then I pick it up to find some nugget of gold and the next thing you know, I’m in.

One of those books that I keep going back to all the time is Steven Pressfield’s “The War of Art” and “Turning Pro.” I’m constantly going back to those books and re-reading chapters I’ve read numerous times.

One of the things he says is that “resistance” (what is holding you from starting and creating glorious work) loves distraction. It wants you to just scratch the surface and then move one. i.e. death scrolling on your phone – sound familiar.

The opposite of dabbling is going deep. Keeping your focus while knowing your end-goal. And maybe getting a little obsessed with your attention to detail in order to see it through to fruition.

I know I would benefit from it in my work.

What do you say? Let’s go deep!

The Spark

Defending what you believe to be true in this day and age takes courage.

Standing up for someone else in hard times can be rare.

Knowing who you are and remaining steadfast in that belief will no-doubt be frightening at times, but these are the moments that solidifies our integrity and our unwillingness to compromise ourselves.

It becomes a slippery slope if we begin to cut corners.

The best of the best are ruthless with their discipline and daily habits.

There are 1,000 reasons to compromise, to not take the path less traveled, to take a chance, to try something new – to step into the unknown.

Find the one reason to follow through.


There are too many examples of friends, family members and strangers making choices which inevitably change the direction of their lives in an amazing ways.

It always starts with a decision. To decide, means to cut off all other options. As we all know, when we are pinned in a corner we tend to get ourselves out of it by making a choice and running with it. At the moment, it doesn’t matter whether it’s the “right” choice. It’s a choice. And then we move forward by putting forth much effort to change our current situation.

Often times we want to make changes in our lives, but we don’t commit to make a decision in order to do what is necessary to see bring those changes to fruition.

A few years back a close friend of mine called me and asked me if I wanted to run a half marathon with him. He was training for an upcoming marathon and thought this race would be a good way to do that. I knew myself well enough that if I made the decision, I would back that up with whatever work needed to be done in order to follow through. I blurted out as quickly as I could, “Yes!” Then I told him I would need his help in putting together a training schedule to reach my goal. He was happy to oblige.

It first came with a decision. “I’m in.” In other words, I’m committed. It didn’t matter what was to follow. Running 3, 5 or 7 days a week. I made a decision and I didn’t back out.

Decisions can be so powerful when you choose strong ones. They don’t have to be huge and life-changing. You only need to commit to it and never waiver. Sounds easier than it is, but it’s life-changing.

One small decision at a time.

The Power of Words

All I know is what I’ve experienced in my life or learned from other people’s experiences. One thing I do know is that words matter.

When I was told at a young age by my father that there was no way I would succeed at my dream of becoming an artist, it hurt. It mattered to me. When I had a coach who believed in me and my ability to excel on the field and told me as much, that effected me.

Words do matter.

This is something we should consider while speaking with others.

Several months ago I was out to dinner with my wife and kids and we ran into another family that my kids went to grade school with years ago. I coached my son’s basketball and football teams at the time in order to spend more time with him as well as be a positive influence on all those young minds. One of the kid’s that was on the team 10 years prior came up to me – who is getting a law degree at Harvard – and repeated a quote I had told them while coaching the team. He said he never forgot it and it really inspired and motivated him to help become the person he is today.

Words matter.

How do you use them? To tear down or inspire?

I prefer the latter.

What say you?

Gimme Some Love

When we boil down this whole thing to the simplest terms, we are all in this life together, so why not spread the Love. Just because we don’t know someone who accidently cuts in line in front of us at the grocery doesn’t necessarily mean they’re trying to wrong you. Maybe it’s as simple as: they don’t know where the line starts.

I’ve heard a quote from Wayne Dyer that befits most of my days and that is, “If you look to be offended throughout the day, you will not go disappointed.” Which means, if you’re looking to be mad, you’re going to find it. What about the opposite: Look for a way to send Love to someone throughout the day. A loved one, family member, friend or even a stranger!

Maybe the form of that Love manifests as patience, or kindness, or some of your precious time. What happens then? You might just connect with someone. You may make someone’s day. Heaven forbid, you might just make a friend!

Let’s not be quite so critical of others as we are all flawed, no doubt. No one is perfect and everyone is wrong. Maybe I can let you cut in front of me on the freeway, so we can all help each other get home safely and swiftly.

Maybe I can give you some Love. Why not.

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