How does one go about manifesting something into their lives? By working with one brick at a time.

We cannot forget the value of solid principles practiced on a daily basis. Often times, I want to see the results right now – which keeps me from my focus on the big picture. Rather than doing my part today. I just need to work for today and worry about tomorrow later.

It sounds so simple. So basic. Yet, I can find myself getting distracted from putting in the day to day tasks that can build something of value for myself.

This is when I get frustrated.

And then I remember: The next moment is a brand new one. Nothing is written. The past does not equal the future. I can choose a different choice in the next moment in order to manifest a different outcome.

I can choose not to get overly emotional about it. I can choose to be strong. To move forward with conviction. I can choose whatever I want in the next moment. This is the beauty of life.

I can choose to build a dream.