There are two different kinds of respect. Respect for others and Self-Respect.
Self-Respect is defined as, regard for one’s own standing or position. Another words, how do you view yourself. It can be a challenge to view yourself in the best light if your vision is distorted by a dysfunctional view of oneself and/or due to traumatizing events in the past or because you are currently going through tough times.
Once removed from these toxic situations, it takes small incremental tasks and accomplishments to recognize the worth in oneself. But we can build on this momentum daily one brick at a time creating a solid foundation with which we are able to rely upon when chaos is present.
It is exactly in these times when we must exercise that self-respect and remain steadfast in our beliefs on oneself.
Self-respect comes from trusting yourself that you will continue to make the strong choices into the future as you did in the past.
No compromise.