Month: April 2022 (Page 2 of 4)

Running On Empty

So often we are in ‘go’ mode throughout the day, we’re not even sure of where we’re heading. The alarm goes off in the morning and we jump out of bed onto the ‘treadmill of doing’ without thinking. And if we do know our direction, are we glad to be there?

Maybe a well-thought out plan or even well-intended plan based on our inner-compass and desires can keep us on track. Physically, emotionally and spiritually. In addition, having a way to objectively assess your progress along the way is beneficial as well.

The last thing we want for ourselves is to be a hamster on a wheel while we’re running on empty.

Today Is The Day

Why is today the day? Because it’s here right in front of us. It’s what we have control over.

We all have been given the gift of free will. Which means we get to choose how we respond in each and every moment. It gives us the opportunity to change the direction of our lives or keep it on it’s current course. The choice is ours.

That’s powerful. That’s life-changing.

One decision at a time.


Watching the sun dip into the ocean after a long walk on the beach with your loved one. Sharing memories with close friends and family while eating a homecooked meal on a warm summer night. Holding your child in your arms while she sleeps on your shoulder after a day at the park.

What are these life experiences worth to you? What if you knew you could only have one of these. Would it be more valuable to you? Would you cherish the moment more because you know it’s a rare occurrence? Most definitely.

Striking a balance between finding the value in moments vs. tempering our energy for the “long haul” has always been tricky for me. Sometimes, I can get overwhelmed with emotion due to the intensity of the situation. It’s as if I can see the value in this very moment and know how precious it is to me.

Walking this fine line of processing our intense life experiences – good and not so good – and moving forward with everyday tasks and responsibilities is a journey I assume to walk the rest of my life.

That’s okay. It’s worth it.

That’s Important

One of the most significant areas in my life which I’ve been cultivating and believe to be a pivotal part of my development is knowing the difference between important and urgent.

These two adjectives are very different and should not be confused. I’ve always found it fascinating hearing from high-achieving individuals in their particular field’s, discussing their strategies. What I once thought was vital to achieving a measurable amount of success, can be considered a frivolous waste of time and another form of resistance. Another words, procrastination.

What interests me is true progress. Facing obstacles in your particular field and putting in the work to transcend those issues. Another words, doing what’s important.

After all, that’s important.


The definition of a renegade is someone who rejects lawful or conventional behavior.

I’m all for rejecting conventional behavior as we need to do what we need to do in order make our own dent in the world. That’s different for everyone.

We must entertain the idea of coloring outside the lines for us to reach new horizons. Pristine frontiers. It certainly won’t be done by replicating what others have already done in the past.

It is a knowing deep within- not a recklessness or unlawful acts that bring about the unconventional style. There is a difference.

It all comes from the intention of what we’re working to accomplish. This is where we pull from. Here are where the answers lie.

Others may judge our behavior and call us names, but that’s not our business and never will be. But, it’s the price you have to pay being different.

A renegade.

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