If someone calls you and leaves a message in your voicemail, I read you have 48 hours to return the call in a timely and professional manner. That was over 20 years ago and I’m not sure with today’s technology if that still flies. My instincts tell me it works.

What doesn’t work in both the professional and personal arena is not returning a call at all. Unless of course, your intention is to ghost them.

It may sound like common sense, but getting back to a client, friend or even family member without delay can reveal much about how you conduct not only your business but your personal life. More importantly, not getting back to them might even speaker louder. Can someone count on you? Are you reliable? Do you respect my time? Your time?

To be honest, I always felt a bit disrespected when I didn’t hear back from someone, after leaving repeated messages from me. Maybe they don’t want my business. That’s fine, but after 2 excuses for not returning my call, shame on me.