Month: April 2023 (Page 3 of 3)

We Are What We Do

I’ve heard that it can be determined whether you will be ‘successful’ or not is by watching someone’s behavior for a day.

It would make sense as we are our habits.

Whenever I see someone who I deem to be an avid runner on the streets, I’m amazed at how muscular and toned their legs and calves are.

I used to say to myself, “they have such great legs, they don’t have to run any more.” But, that is exactly why they look the way they do. Because there are no days off. It has become a habit for them and most likely will never quit running on a consistent basis.

As a result of that habit, they have fantastically strong and muscular legs.

This goes for anything we do on a consistent basis. As well as, the opposite direction. If we choose to eat cake everyday we will become over weight and out of shape.

So, it’s important for us to be conscious of what do repeatedly day in and day out.

Let’s choose to do the right activities rather than the things that are going to hold us back and be less than the best of ourselves.

Right? After all, we are what we do in a day.

Who are you?

Showing Up To Listen

Sometimes, all we need is a good set of ears and an empathetic person.

When someone is actively listening to us, we feel validated. We feel heard as if someone cares.

It’s not as easy as it sounds, but a good listener goes a long ways.

We can all benefit from such a person in our lives who knows what it means to show up, keep their mouths closed and listen.

And we’ll be there for them the next time around.

Gratitude Calibration

Often times, I could benefit from a shift in my perspective or how I’m currently viewing my place in the world in order to flip the view of my glass from half empty to half full.

I would say that comes from the template we choose to hold up next to our current life.

Even though we don’t benefit from it, we will compare ourselves with the uber-elite – the filthy rich, the extremely successful and the top 10% of the world. Why?

Out of 195 countries in the world, we were born and live in the richest one. Not only that, we – although by no means perfect – live in a democratic country where we’re free to criticize our government without being thrown in prison. We can vote. We have many natural resources we can utilize to have a thriving economy, etc.

Another words, how can we ever think that what we have in comparison to 90% of the rest of the world is less than.

We don’t. I just think we forget sometimes. That’s okay.

We just need a little gratitude calibration. There. That’s better.

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