As I move on in years, I’ve seemed to grow a bit more lax in different aspects of my life. For one I’m not surprised by much these days. There’s not a whole lot about a person’s behavior or an event that’s transpired and shocks me. In addition, I’ve seemed to ease up on my own expectations of myself in regards to what I’m capable of doing. Another words, I believe much more is possible.

I’m not sure why I’ve drifted to this perspective. Maybe my ego is getting tuckered out. Or I’ve seen too much. It doesn’t really matter, but here’s what I know: I’ve come to believe that people are capable of so much! We are capable of so much! I’m capable of so much! When we are able to get our of our heads, get out of our own way and get to work, magical things begin to manifest.

In actuality, there’s nothing magical about it. It’s cause and effect. Input equals output. Putting in your 10,000 hours. It’s letting the work that we’ve committed to engaging in whole-heartedly speak for itself. When we can focus on the task at hand with 100% commitment we cannot help from being transformed. And maybe even surprised at what we’ve accomplished.