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Schedule You

There’s always time for you no matter what’s going on in your day. Until we can put ourselves first, we’ll squander our time and efforts as they dissipate into the ether.

Our health – both physically and mentally – should always come first before scheduling other tasks.

It doesn’t take much: a ten-minute meditation here, a twelve minute walk around the block to get some fresh air there or a quick twenty minute workout at lunchtime.

Time spent on ourselves never goes to waste. The dividend’s will pay in tenfold.

You’re the most important person in your life. Take care of her/him.

Dive In

When we’re indecisive about which direction to go; make a decision and dive in!

If we’re afraid the water is too cold; Dive in! (just make sure it’s deep enough)

When we don’t know where to start; Dive in!

If there’s a whisper in your head that says you can do it, but you’re paralyzed with fear; Dive in!

There’s nothing we can learn, let alone master, by standing on the sidelines. Eventually, we have to just . . . Dive in!


We like to compartmentalize pretty much everything in our lives. Is it good or is it bad?

And although life is never as simple as black or white, we feel like we have more control of our world when we view it as such.

That person is bad. Oh, that lady is sweet. She’s so good.

But, even if we take that stance, we can be bamboozled as well. Why? Because as we all know, things aren’t always as they appear. That missed job opportunity that you thought you missed may have saved you from an overbearing and belittling boss in a toxic work environment. But, you looked at it as if you blew a great opportunity. It depends on the perspective we take.

That project that took you three times as long to complete that ruined your entire week provided you a six month learning curve. Did we think about that?

Let’s not jump to conclusions so quickly when judging moments in our day. Instead, maybe we can appreciate the process of experiencing the moment in front of us.

If we’re able to string enough of those together, we may have learned a few things in the process.

Right, smarty pants?

Setting Ourselves Up To Succeed

It goes without saying I suppose, but any sort of planning brings miles of productive tasks/habits down the road.

Whether that be planning a healthy lunch the night before to take to work in order to stick with our plan to shed some pounds or putting together our running schedule for the week so we can accumulate the miles we want in order to move closer to the goal of hitting our time in the half-marathon in 4 months.

It’s the most unglamourous part of the whole process – at least it is for me. But, it can give us so much momentum before we even begin moving our bodies.

This is something I’m constantly working on and refining, but when I do, I find that I’m so much better prepared for what is coming and increase my success rate of following through by 5X.

It’s not complicated. In fact it’s so mundane sometimes that we convince ourselves it doesn’t matter.

But, it does.

Flexing Our Wisdom

The beauty of getting older is the white noise of others’ opinions about what we’re doing seems to get less audible with each passing year.

Maybe it’s because we begin to care less what others think of us or I’m going deaf. Either one works for me.

Because it sets us free to go after our intentions with fervor and passion. Who couldn’t use that?

Maybe it’s wisdom, confidence or an “I don’t give a _______” attitude. It doesn’t really matter.

The truth is, no one cared about what we were doing in the first place. We only thought they did.

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