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Listen And Live

There’s no proof other than my own life experiences, but I’ve always remained steadfast in the belief that we all have a small voice within giving us the direction we need to head – guiding us – no matter what the circumstance.

Often times, we allow the distractions of the world, other people and even our own minds to drown out the sage advice we are giving ourselves.

Maybe we don’t trust what we’re hearing and/or feel confident we’re going to take the right path. But, I would argue – who is going to know your journey and what you’re capable of more than you?

The answer is no one. But that can be frightening. It is for me at times.

And the only way I’ve found to push through that fear is addressing it head on and pressing forward by trusting what we’re hearing and feeling.

Life experiences is what brings about wisdom not the contemplation of life.

So, let’s listen and live.

Our Powers

We all have gifts – or dare I say powers – where we excel in one area of life more than another. They may not be superpowers, but they are powers nevertheless that we can utilize to help others and/or benefit ourselves.

I suppose it would be the same for superheros. Are they using their gifts for the good of man or to self-serve and raise their own status?

We’d like to think it’s for others and to leave this place a bit better than when they came, but . . .

I’m guilty of the same, no doubt. There are times when I’m looking out for me and only me. I’m not proud of that, but it’s true.

Maybe we can all look for ways to help each other out a bit more and in turn it will always come back to us ten fold.

Finding The Balance

I’m constantly fascinated how certain people have the knowledge, capacity and are able to develop the habits in order to be extrememly successful in one area of their lives, but yet so completely uneducated in another.

Balance in their lives is a large part of it, but what I don’t understand is how they allow that balance to remain. For example, someone who has a multi-million dollar business, but is unable to sustain a healthy marriage befuddles me.

Surely, this individual has sought and attained the knowledge in order to gain insight and strategies on how grow and sustain his business. In addition, he’s surrounded himself with high-performing people in order to help him/her get to a place of success.

How can they be so blind as not to see what it takes to have a successful relationship with their partner? Is it a choice? Surely they have the resources in order to model a more functional relationship. Is it just the desire – or lack thereof.

Maybe it’s just not a priority for them. I’m not quite sure.

Success in life is having a well-balanced life in all areas of our lives. Or at least I would think so. I know it feels that way for me.

If I’m not getting the results I intend to have in one aspect of my life, I better go find someone who is and get some insight in order to model their behavior and learn the ropes.

If not, get used to this view.

An Apology

When apologizing to others we’re letting go of our ego and being vulnerable to another human being.

Not everyone can do this. They’re afraid to show their humanity and recognize that we’re all flawed. In their minds it’s a sign of weakness, when it’s actually a sign of strength when used functionally and not dysfunctionally.

Some use it as a crutch in order to never have to become accountable. This is just as harmful to the ourselves as never saying it.

It’s not an excuse for certain behavior, it’s a gesture of kindness, humility and respect.

Let’s use it that way.


Maybe, just maybe, we rise to our highest potential in this lifetime.

Maybe we have a bit more patience with others than we did yesterday.

Maybe we can find a way to show kindness in this moment.

Maybe we can take a risk and express ourselves in creating something new while inspiring others.

Maybe we can forgive others.

Maybe we can forgive ourselves.

Maybe we can smile. Now.

Maybe we can laugh. Now.

Maybe we can be present with our Loved ones and give them the benefit of the doubt.

Maybe we can respect others.

Maybe we can respect ourselves.

Maybe we can leave this place a little better when we’re gone.

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