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As I’ve said so many times before, I love to grow. Learn new things and push the boundaries of my body and mind while on this earth on a daily basis. I do my best, sometimes of course, more than others, but one thing I’m always attracted to when it comes to encountering other people – and an aspect of myself I would love to be more consistent with – is Glowing.

I love to be around people that Glow. Glow in spirit. Glow with excitement. Glow with gratitude and Glow with joy. People who Glow with happiness and Glow with curiosity. People who Glow with positive vibes and Glow from patience.

It’s akin to a superhero being dipped into a concoction giving them superpowers: Glow juice! Packed with Love and a fervor for life itself.

Introduce me to that pool where I can bath in the beauty of these revitalizing waters so I may share my beacon of Love with everyone I come into contact.

I just want to Glow.

So, let’s GLOW!

My Pleasure

Serving others can certainly be a pleasure if we are able to commit ourselves to the process of “giving” and get into the proper mindset.

It’s a pretty basic principle to follow – nothing new here – but Lord knows there will be a time where the tables will be turned and we will need some help from others in which we would welcome the words, “my pleasure.”

Maybe this indeed questions altruism at it’s core. Can we truly benefit – feel better – after going out of our way to help others? Absolutely. It’s scientifically proven that endorphins are released from our brain to give us those “feel good” feelings inside.

There’s nothing wrong with that. I’ll take that altruistic behavior in a minute.

How about you?

By the way, it’s been my pleasure.

Listen Within

In today’s loud and raucous world, it can be a challenge to listen within in order to hear our instincts’ call.

A place where our true self resides, but can only speak in whispers and not loud cry’s. This doesn’t mean what he/she is saying is not important or urgent. It’s just it’s nature to be this way. A bit quiet and unassertive that’s all.

Extremely wise and intuitive though. Always present. And certainly never taking time off from it’s guard tower.

Maybe we can quiet our feet and listen to it’s insightful voice whispering to us from within.

Wake and Renew

This has been said numerous times, but it bear’s worth repeating: today is a new day and anything and everything is possible.

We can fall into a groove or pattern in the way we do things or even our way of thinking and not even realize we are bringing all of our past mistakes, blunders and negative mind-set into this current moment.

We must – in those times – have amnesia in order to get out of our own way and start with a clean slate in more ways than one.

As of this new moment, nothing is written. We get to custom design our future right now. This is the beauty of a new day.

To wake and renew.

What Do You Really Want

Great question.

One for the ages.

No doubt for me, that has changed over time. When I was younger I probably would have said financial independence. Not that I don’t want that now, but as I grow older I see the world through a slightly different lens than a few decades ago.

Peace of mind. Freedom to choose. Leaving the world having contributed something that makes this place better because of me and my actions. Empowering others and the elimination of suffering come to mind to me now.

Whether it’s feasible or not, I’m not sure. But, I suppose it’s something to shoot for.

My point: We must get clear on where we’re going if we ever want to show up at our destination.

Otherwise, we’re going to be driving ourselves in circles – otherwise called – going mad.

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