Month: September 2021 (Page 3 of 4)

We May Be Wrong But We May Be Right

Let go of your ego.


Have a little more patience with the next person you encounter.

Tell someone how great they are. And mean it.


Admit when you’re wrong.

Don’t gloat when you’re right.

Do something special for someone in your life and don’t take credit for it.

Write someone a love/like note.

Let your guard down.


Laugh again.

Let go of that grudge and start anew.

Go out of your way to assist someone today.

Compliment a total stranger.

Look for an excuse to find the glass half full today. All day.

Listen some more.

Go through the day without saying something negative about anyone.

Laugh once again.

Wear a smile.

Let go and surrender.

Educate Yourself

Hello, from the classroom.

Well, maybe not figuratively. Then again maybe so.

I’m using “classroom” as a relative term. For the purposes here, It’s a metaphorical place to learn, to engage and to further yourself as a student of life. I know that sounds a bit hokey, but here me out.

I have no place in a traditional classroom. Or at least I didn’t feel like it when I was in school. Now that those days are behind me, I see it as only one place among thousands of where you can learn, grow and evolve. The traditional classroom and format of teaching is quite outdated and archaic. But don’t fret. There are so many more places to educate yourself.

It’s called life. Yes, I know you cannot get a high school diploma or bachelor’s degree from “life”, but there are alternative ways to get where you’re going and most of them may not be deemed “traditional.”

Besides, having a degree – whether it’s a bachelor’s, graduate’s or doctorate’s doesn’t make you smart. It certifies that you are able to navigate you’re way through hoops and obstacles within a system that may or may not give you the knowledge you need to be successful.

Is that worth hundreds of thousands of dollars to you? If so, go get it.

If not, then there are alternatives.

We must seek out what those alternatives are, and what best fits you – or your children. But, they’re out there.

Good luck.

R, R & R

Silence is golden. Add to that self-reflection and you’re on your way.

It is said that on the seventh day God rested. If so, maybe that’s an indication for us as well.

Rest, reflection and rejuvenation are the elements to consider once a week in order to reset your internal clocks and prepare for what’s ahead. Depending on your schedule – work with what’s best for you. Sunday’s is always an ideal day as it’s the last day of the week, however if it doesn’t fit your work week, then schedule what’s right for you.

Rest: take time to rest yourself physically, mentally and emotionally. I’m not saying you can’t exercise, because for me, that falls under rejuvenation, but the idea is to charge your batteries for the upcoming week.

Reflect: this can be a moment or two when you can objectively look at the past 7 days and assess your role in your week without the pressures of being in the thick of it. This way you may be able to view your performance in a much less subjective point of view.

Rejuvenate: This is the time you can create space in your day to do the activities that inspire you, lift you up and energize you. You may find it difficult at the beginning as you may want to distract yourself with “busy work.” Stick with it. Sit with yourself quietly to find out what really gets you excited and yet fulfills you as well.

Hopefully, you will feel much better going into your next work week after taking time for yourself in this way.

Who knows? You may even have a good Monday!

Contents Of Your Dash

Let us not forget: we are spiritual beings having a human experience.

This should guide us on how we view the world and the perspective we take as we move through our time on this earth.

From what’s important to us, to how we view others – both loved ones and strangers, how we treat those people, as well as the role we believe we must play while we are here.

It can be the difference of “What’s in it for me?” versus “How may I serve?” or “What legacy do I want to leave behind?”

We have only a brief moment in time here on this earth.

A friend once told me that when we pass we may have the year we were born and the year we died on our headstone. What makes all the difference is the dash in between.

What’s in your dash?


I can only write from experience. And this is what I know: When someone believes in me – trusts me and gives me the opportunity to reach within and pull out my best – even though I may not have had successes to the same degree prior to that moment – more times than not, I have rose to the occasion.

Obviously, there has to be a belief within myself as well. It cannot solely come from another person. There needs to be something inside of me that believes I can accomplish the task at hand as well. But, there is definitely something special about giving another person the opportunity – because of your belief in them – to find their best part of themselves and show it to the world.

I’m convinced this belief in another person actually raises their energy levels so they can tap into a higher potential. It feels like that for me. And it’s happened more than once.

Give someone a shot. Tell them you believe in them. Even though they may not at that moment. Give the gift of belief and then pay attention to the results. You may just become a believer as well.

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