Month: December 2021 (Page 4 of 5)

Rain or Shine

How we prepare for the weather can directly impact our overall well-being. If you show up to the beach on a warm sunny day planning on spending much of your time reading in your beach chair, you might find yourself burned at the end of the day only to have a restless sleep.

Standing in the rain on a chilly afternoon watching a game in the stands or even gong for a walk without the proper rain gear can change your mood dramatically as well. Now wet and cold, we have a hard time enjoying our company, the competition of the game or the beautiful scenery on your long walk.

Taking a bit of time by looking at the weather forecast in order to prepare yourself for what you’re about to engage in can make a big difference.

This can be applied to most things in life. Rather than just showing up, we can be thoughtful about what we do in order to be best prepared for the next big thing. . . or small one.

You might just find that with a little preparation, there’s a whole lot of fun.


What does abundant mean to you? Being in the best shape of your life? Having loved ones around you who inspire you to be the best you can be every day? Knowing you have millions of dollars in your bank account? Having a job you love to do and you get paid to do it?

Each of us have a different idea of what abundance in our life looks like. It’s relative to one’s perspective. Someone may feel they need to have 3 homes, an income of over $3 million a year and wear the finest of clothes. Another may feel as long as they have clean water and food to eat with a dry bed, they are living in abundance. Which person is happier?

I heard a story a long time ago that has stuck with me and it’s worth telling. It happened at a self-help seminar. The gentleman conducting the seminar on the stage asked people in the audience what it took to feel successful in their lives. One man said, he needs to have less than 8% body fat and making at least $2 million a year. Another person claimed they needed to be promoted at least once every three years, a paycheck of X amount a year, etc. One guy stood up and said he feels successful if he’s able to open his eyes in the morning and get out of bed.

Which person is going to feel better about themselves throughout the day?

Having abundance in your life is relative to your perspective. Which perspective are you choosing to take?


Too often we move through an experience in life only to forget any specific concepts or feelings we had along the way giving us insight into evolvement from then to now. This is a fancy way of saying, “what did you learn?”

There is an old saying that says, “winners celebrate and losers contemplate.” What this means to me is, you tend to think more about how you ended up there if it’s a painful experience. You retrace your steps making sure you will not do the same your next time through. Why? Because it hurts.

Winners are too busy enjoying the moment of their win to think about – in detail – their journey and what they might do different the next time. They won!

However the true warriors will sit down alone after the part dies down and retrace their path and continue to refine their craft.

The best always do.


It would seem in my life-long experiences the “why” is more important than the “how.” Why you choose to commit to something in the long run has more staying power than focusing on “how” your going to accomplish it.

Because there are numerous – if not hundreds – of ways to manifest something you have clarified into your life as a goal and there may only be a couple – if not one – reason you will stick with it until you make that happen. That’s the difference. You will figure out the “how” as long as your “why” is a strong enough bond to keep you engaged.

The “why” has changed for me over the years as I mature in age. What I thought was a “why” didn’t last for me. Therefore, I had to re-examine the “why” as well as the goal itself. And yes, both have evolved and changed over time. Just as I have.

A Moment Lost

Too many times I have brought the past moments – lost or not – into the present. This doesn’t serve me well. Ultimately, I end up in a state of resentment, ambiguity and anxiousness. Most importantly, I’m not present in the moment and therefore incapable of truly evolving. This is living in Fear. I’m stagnate – frozen in my tracks.

The tendency for me is to focus on the road behind me and the missteps I’ve made rather than how to proceed – fully engaged in my current location. Which only exacerbates my state of mind and pulls me farther into the depths of fear and anxiety and away from Faith.

The moment I declare that “I’m exactly where I need to be in this moment” and let go of any expectations, is when I’m bathed in a calm bath of Faith and Knowing. It must be an authentic surrendering or the anxiety doesn’t depart. However, when it does, I’m able to become whole again and move forward with my endeavors without looking over my shoulder. I can express who I am in that moment and it’s exactly where I need to be.

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