If not now, when? If not me, then who?
There’s no doubt we can justify any behavior in order to continue to tell your own story of why now is not the right time in order for us to remain in our cozy safe haven of stagnation.
“I’m not ready. The circumstances aren’t right. I need more information before moving forward. Let me read one more book first. I’ll start tomorrow. I need a partner. I’m too young. I’m too old. After I lose the weight. When I’m in shape. I’ll start next week. Next month. Next year. When I’m dead. When ‘they’ come knock on my front door and tell me I’m ready, show me how to do it and make sure I know the results before starting.”
Unfortunately, that’s not how it works.
It reminds me of Hollywood. To me, their approach is this: we want to create the next big thing, but we don’t want to take the risk of failing. So, let’s reboot some old franchise that was somewhat successful and throw more money at it. Because we can make up for the lack of creativity by casting bigger stars.
We’ve all seen how that works.
The truth is there are no guarantees. But, there is something to say about someone who wants to risk being better today than yesterday, learning more, evolving, striving for big goals and risking failure. That’s right Failure. Actually, it’s not failure. It’s a result. If you don’t like the result try it again. And again. And again. We can get frozen in fear because we don’t want to fail. However, the only way we can learn, grow and evolve is by getting life experiences under our belts. The only way you can gain life experiences, is by doing.
And here’s the secret . . . merely begin.