Month: February 2022 (Page 3 of 4)

Shake It Up

There’s no doubt, I’m a routine guy. I’m pretty locked in with what I do from the time I wake up until I hit the sheets at night. This consistency helps me focus on what is important to me. Otherwise, I have a tendency of getting side-tracked.

However, I also recognize the importance of doing new and different things in order to expand your mind, meet new people, see new places, etc. There can be a real beneficial shift in your perspective when you get yourself out into this big wide world of ours.

I’ve always liked the idea of scheduling time to be spontaneous. It sounds a bit counterintuitive I know, but having a specific time scheduled when you can do new activities can also be extremely liberating. You can fully engage in the moment, knowing you have thoughtfully opened up your schedule to enjoy this time.

These breakout sessions can be a game-changer when it comes to letting your foot off the gas (routine) and discovering not only new places and new people, but also a new part of yourself you didn’t know was in there.

Second Chance

Everyone deserves a second chance. Sometimes more.

I know I would certainly want one, but we’re not all wired the same. Much of our behavior can be destructive only because that’s what we’ve been modeled growing up. We don’t know any better. We have no map. No buoy. No anchor. And certainly no one who believes in us.

I have always given a better effort when I knew someone believed in me and trusted that I would rise to the occasion. Always.

Maybe in our second and third efforts, we just need a little support from someone who believes in us.

That’s what I would want.


Life is full of choices. From the kind clothes you’re going to wear that day to the people you choose to associate and surround yourself with. There are obvious elements where we don’t have any say. Such as the color of your skin, to the country you were born in or who your parents are.

But, to overlook the power of our choices throughout a day, a week, a month and years, is a grave mistake on our part. Most of the time we make the choices we make because we are not informed about the situation or because we don’t see the ramifications of how that choice will effect us down the line.

If I showed you the lungs of a person who smoked cigarettes for 25 years, via an autopsy, and went through every organ and how it was effected by all the chemicals being taken in and how many years that person’s life was cut short due to their habit for a quarter of a century, you will be able to make a more informed decision when someone asks you if you want a smoke.

I understand we have an overload of information coming at us on a daily basis and this can be overwhelming in and of itself. But, maybe if we can do our best to inform ourselves a bit more we can find ourselves making stronger decisions that benefit us down the road, rather than hurt us.

Maybe we can just start with one today.

Finding Freedom In Your Schedule

A strong-structured schedule can offer plenty of opportunities for freedom and spontaneity.

Like a hug jar, your schedule can be filled with the biggest stones first. These are your non-movable items throughout your day. Whether that’s your Monday morning meeting with your staff, your entire workday or must-have appointments with clients. These will take blocks of time out of your schedule in order to begin filling with the next tier of tasks important to you.

These can be such tasks as working our and exercising during the day, reaching out for new business or wrapping up past job for the week. These are not “less” important activities, but they become smaller stones fitting into your jar because of the amount of time needed to accomplish these, because they don’t take precedence for that day or because they can be shifted around to another avaible time slot.

Once we have filled in our first two sizes of stones, we can now place the pebbles into the remaining available time slots. Maybe you have 45 minutes on Tuesday to sneak in a quick lunch with your spouse at a mutual meeting spot. You have set time aside for the things that are important to you, so you know where you stand for the week. Now you can enjoy your time with your wife and remain present with her, knowing your other tasks will be completed all in due time.

Glory Be

Glory be to this wonderful life.

Glory be to my healthy body.

Glory be to all of the Loved-ones I have around me, including friends and family.

Glory be to this journey called life. Although it may not be easy, I accept the path and know it’s exactly where I need to be.

Glory be to artist’s and joy they bring to others and the risks their willing to take no matter what the cost. To the air I breathe and connections I make with others.

Glory be to the blue skies above in which we all share, as well as the hopes and dreams of our innermost desires.

Glory be to being human. We all make mistakes and we’re all flawed, but we’re all on this blue marble together.

Glory be to Love. “Still the most powerful and yet unknown energy in the universe.”

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