Month: June 2022 (Page 2 of 3)

Seasons Of Life

It doesn’t seem so long ago when we had three children 6 years old or younger. Those days were a bit crazy, but I wouldn’t trade them for anything. Little sleep, controlled chaos, then just plain chaos and a whole lot of time playing on the floor with our children on our hands and knees.

While my wife and I were going through it, there seemed to be no end to the long nights, piles of laundry, messes and dirty diapers. But then before we knew it, there were no more diapers, the toys began to thin out and the next thing you know, they’re in middle school.

When we got pregnant 7+ years after our youngest, it was a surprise and a real gift. I knew I was going to cherish every moment as I was fully aware of how quickly the time goes. We did just that.

Our youngest is now 13 as we begin another transition into the next season. Many tears and laughter accompany us along the way and we do our best to take it all in stride.

Even though it can be rough, I do my best to look at the “big picture” of life and stay present in the moment knowing the next season is right around the corner and before we know it summer is here.

To Lie

I’m not sure why we lie. No doubt, it has to do with a myriad of reasons.

When I was young, I remember knowingly trying it on for size to get out of trouble for the first time. That caught up with me pretty quickly as my Mom sniffed it out a mile away and came down pretty hard on me.

At that point I realized I probably wouldn’t be heading down that path again in the near future. It just wasn’t in my nature. As I matured I came to realize that lying was more than just “not telling the truth.” It was a betrayal of others as well as yourself. It was a lack of integrity. Lack or morals.

I was afraid of where that path might lead and chose not to go in that direction. Some do and I’m not sure why. Family members who at a very early age began to lie and looking back, realize it was a pre-cursor of what lie ahead (pun intended).

Not my cup of tea and probably never will be. Most importantly, I do my best not to associate myself with people that do. It doesn’t serve me, them or anyone well.

In fact, I have a pretty low tolerance for lying nowadays. If you knowingly lie to my face – and your not one of my children – I will cut you off pretty quickly. Maybe for good.

Soak It In

We’re a product of our environment.

That can be a benefit as well as a detriment for us. If we have grown up in a toxic environment filled with anger, lies and resentment due to a less than stellar example of a relationship by our parents and/or guardians, we may be limiting our exposure to a functional, loving and unselfish way of living.

However, we can also use that as fuel to make sure we never engage in that sort of relationship when we find our mate.

What we surround ourselves with is so very important to how we view the world around us. Let’s do the best we can to make sure it’s not just healthy, but something that inspires us to be the best part of ourselves we can be.

From what we watch on TV, to the friends we choose to keep, to the activities we decide to engage in. These choices all make a difference of what soaks into our psyche and we believe is “normal.” We may not have a choice of who our family members are, but we do have a choice of how we spend our time and what we expose ourselves to.

Let’s be picky. We’re worth it!

More Than A Village

Who ever said we’re destined to take this journey called life by ourselves? Nothing could be farther from the truth.

Anyone who has had any form of success in their lifetime knows this as well; “we all stand on the shoulders of those who came before us.”

So, why do we feel so isolated sometimes when times are tough? Do we truly believe we are the only person who has struggled with the particular problem you’re facing ? I doubt it.

When I was young and not quite as smart, I tried moving mountains by myself. It took me some time to realize there was no way I was going to succeed. We need support from our closest friends/family and empathetic ears who will listen. We require a trustworthy group to give us backup.

We’re not alone. Everyone has their challenges as they travel their road. Find those gems in the rough who are willing to help – who want to help. They’re out there. And they want to give you their time and attention. Why?

Because more than likely, someone helped them along the way.


Most of the time it isn’t because we don’t have the knowledge within us to move in the direction we intend, it’s because we have forgotten what we already know.

We all know what it’s like being a child; living in the moment without a care in the world and enjoying what’s in front of us without burdening ourselves about tomorrow’s events. Like most adults, we have just forgotten.

Sure we have more responsibilities as an adult, but that doesn’t mean we can’t embrace that attitude and direct our attention where we want to and recall our true essence.

Often times, we can get caught up in all the white noise, distractions and benchmarks we hope to hit throughout our busy week, we forget who we are: Spiritual beings having a human experience.

Nothing is wrong with learning new things, but let’s not forget to remember what we already know.

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