Month: May 2023 (Page 3 of 4)

Reading Eyes

Now I’m no expert, but I’ve come to find that you can discover a lot about people by looking into their eyes.

When speaking with someone, connecting with their eyes helps me know a bit more about the person’s state of mind. And I’ve found the calmer the eyes, the more grounded the person. Not always, but more times than not.

It can be challenging for me not avert my own while speaking to others, but if one is willing to lock-on, it can be a powerful and vulnerable way of letting them know you’re present and ready to listen and engage in the communication process.

Next time you’re in a conversation with someone, become aware of your eyes and how often you look into the other person’s while speaking with them. It may be less than you think and wonderful opportunity truly engage with someone else.

The Invisible

We live in an invisible world most of the time when we believe we’re in a physical one. What does that mean?

We are creatures that place our beliefs in what’s in front of us at the moment whether that’s positive or negative.

Ads on TV tend to sway our thinking about food and other products. Social media is candy for our eyes and gives us immediate gratification in some sort of not-so-healthy way. Watching TV shows and movies fills us with intoxicating feelings of fantasy and wonder while watching a story unfold about someone else’s dreams. But, do these activities help us to learn, grow and evolve?

It’s much more difficult to conjure up the energy to go for a run or workout. To sit down and do the homework, create the painting or write the thank you note. No one is showing us a film or ad to get us motivated to do so. We are in the silence of our own minds and what we tell ourselves. These are the moments that are challenging. This is where the we make progress.

Once we get right spiritually, mentally and emotionally, the physical changes will eventually take place. As long as we have patience and keep showing up.

Staying On Our The Path

I’m not quite sure how to handle my own snarkiness. And yes, I can be that way.

I believe it comes from a place of not being heard, respected or validated. Let’s be honest, I don’t like being snarky. I don’t like cynicism either. It’s a form of shirking responsibility as far as I’m concerned.

So, in order to remain clear-headed without falling into this trap, we must be able to express our feelings at the time and not sweep them under the rug only to pile up until we can no longer maintain our stoic mask and then lash out as the person we don’t want to be.

Does that entail being honest with others? Probably. Does it include conveying your feelings to others even though it may be uncomfortable for them to hear? Most likely.

Ultimately, we want to be true to ourselves and to others – being respectful of course. However, often times when drawing our boundaries to others, they get offended because it doesn’t fall in line with their agenda.

Oh well. That’s their agenda not ours. Besides, it beats being snarky.

Finding The Present

More often than not, we must remind ourselves that there is nothing we can do about our past mistakes. However difficult it may be for us to come to terms with what has already happened, dwelling on what could have been is a waste of time and energy.

This idea of always looking into our rearview mirror as we’re traveling down the highway of life can have a devasting effect on our present moment as we are not fully engaged in what’s occurring right now. We have chosen to place more importance on the “ifs” and “buts.” We are disillusioned and have become obsessed with a futile perspective.

We are always moving forward in life and never step in the same stream twice, so it would behoove us to pay attention to where we’re heading by finding the present moment and commanding our vessel in the direction we want to go.

Listen And Live

There’s no proof other than my own life experiences, but I’ve always remained steadfast in the belief that we all have a small voice within giving us the direction we need to head – guiding us – no matter what the circumstance.

Often times, we allow the distractions of the world, other people and even our own minds to drown out the sage advice we are giving ourselves.

Maybe we don’t trust what we’re hearing and/or feel confident we’re going to take the right path. But, I would argue – who is going to know your journey and what you’re capable of more than you?

The answer is no one. But that can be frightening. It is for me at times.

And the only way I’ve found to push through that fear is addressing it head on and pressing forward by trusting what we’re hearing and feeling.

Life experiences is what brings about wisdom not the contemplation of life.

So, let’s listen and live.

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